characters are very limited, pretty much soulless and the developers seem like they have no idea about how to balance their own game. only buy this if you really wanna play the game. if you just wanna get into the Guilty Gear franchise, i suggest GGXXACPR or GGXRD-R2.

Edit: game is good again. wild assault was a nice addition, giving (almost) all characters more pressure extension and combo routing possibilities. the balance feels good for the first time in a while and every character is at least viable, with the exception of Zato. good game.

very nice combat, interesting dialogues and story. powerful and unique main character.

amazing game to play with a friend. give it a shot!

didn't finish the game, but i enjoyed a lot the part that i played. definitely worth every penny, even out of sale.


very nice gameplay and probably the best game soundtrack i've ever listened to. i like open ended stories and i don't mind the vagueness of this game's story at all, but i wish they'd given us a little bit more lore to work with.

really fun, but very frustrating. for a person who doesn't really have any interest in zombies, it makes me so sad to see such an amazing game chock full of hackers and toxic people. i wish i could still play BO3, but i have absolutely 0 motivation to play it at its current state. i don't recommend wasting money on this if you're not gonna play zombies.

pure nostalgia. very grindy game, specially if you choose to play on the official servers. excellent soundtrack and fun combat system.

played this game 5 years ago, so i don't remember much of it, but i do remember that i felt like it was the best single player experience i had up until that time. give it a shot!

do yourself a favor and play this game. amazing story, soundtrack and gameplay; good replayability; a LOT of stuff to do after you finish the main story. i love hk so much

very fun game that allows you to play pretty much whichever way you want to; choices matter and you can customize the hell out of your character. unfortunately, my lazy ass never went through the whole story and finished the game, since i always drop it midway and, when i come back, i want to start a new save, since i always forget what happened in the story up to the point where i stopped playing. i hope i can bring myself to finish it sometime, tho. give the game a shot, it's worth every penny!

the gameplay is what really shines in this one. don't remember much about the soundtrack and the story has nothing to do with the original DMC storyline, but the gameplay slaps so fucking hard.

really fun! hard game with a nice gameplay and an amazing soundtrack. haven't played it much because i never felt like labbing/playing enough to get a good grasp of the game's mechanics and of my characters' playstyles, but i definitely recommend giving 2002UM a shot.

Edit: finally mustered the courage to start labbing this game a bit, and it's even more fun than i expected. still hard as hell, tho.

very fun, but also very grindy game. only play this if you have a lot of time (or money) to spare.

fun game, but definitely not my cup of tea.

don't remember much of it, but i remember it was fun with friends. ungraded because i don't feel like i'm in a position to judge the game, since i barely remember anything about its gameplay.