Games Where I Have The Top Review

Thought it would be interesting to look through this even though I'm hardly proud of any of my reviews.

Super Dodge Ball
Super Dodge Ball
This is what happens when you play games solely on the basis that someone else told you too. One of the more enjoyable recommendations I got out of that though, and a pretty funny relic.
Garfield: Caught in the Act
Garfield: Caught in the Act
What the fuck was I on about in this review
Graal Online
Graal Online
I gave this game way too low a rating. Baroque work of Dead Worlds, Dead Gods and Dead Spaces. Haunting in its triteness. Perfectly empty and void.
Threads of Fate
Threads of Fate
I love Mint!!!
Mega Man Zero
Mega Man Zero
Still the only good Mega Man game I've played.
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
The things I wrote as a teenager do not define who I am.
I know much has been said about the 2022-era Backloggd's intense fixation on prosaic self-important autobiographical pieces, but my wife likes this one, so it's probably alright.
Shantae: Risky's Revenge
Shantae: Risky's Revenge
The fact anyone likes these games is one of the most bizarre facets of human existence.
Having finally rounded out the entire Supergiant catalogue, I can safely say that Pyre was a real flash in the pan moment and that nothing else they ever did came close to that level of interest and all that games flaws are intensely magnified in works with less interesting mechanical narratives.
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance - Blade Wolf
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance - Blade Wolf
How did MGR actually result in something good?
Hyper Light Drifter
Hyper Light Drifter
This review sucks I should try to replay this game someday lol
Sayonara Wild Hearts
Sayonara Wild Hearts
My boyfriend killed himself when I was 17 and this is all I have to show for it
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
The toymaker and her quarry.
Sloppy Eater
Sloppy Eater
My wife came up with part of the idea for this game, so I'm proud it's here. Sloppy Eater for life...
One of the best releases of the past five years.
Momo's Diary
Momo's Diary
Kind of the apotheosis of the rambling prosaic style I took on here that I'm now fairly embarrassed of. I don't really know why I made this. Game is sick, though.
Cult of the Lamb
Cult of the Lamb
Embarrassingly moralistic write-up but this game still fucking sucks so I don't really care
My friend made this game right when I first started working retail. Hit incredibly hard and is still excellent. Excited to see whatever Funbil does next.
Post-Disclosure, Devil's Night
Post-Disclosure, Devil's Night
Pretty complex feelings here, seeing as I am no longer with the man this review is about and my friendship with the individual who wrote this has fallen out in the past year or so.


2 months ago

incredible heat check to make this list

2 months ago

LMAO well I don't write reviews on here anymore so this is a heat check of 1-2 years ago

2 months ago

greatness never disappears, it only fades

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