21 reviews liked by Arthurplaysgames

A fun game. Funny, lighthearted, and enjoyable from start to finish. Nothing mind-blowing, but solid.

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I played the Steam version of Chrono Trigger. I've tried getting into old-school JRPG several times, but it's the first time I enjoy one of those.

Despite my distaste of turn-based combat, I had fun fighting enemies in that game. It's snappy and it never lasts for too long. The animations are quick and the music is dynamic.
As the party members level up, each of them unlocks more techs. And the more techs each character has, the more double & triple techs your team will have access to.
It was so satisfying to experiment new attacks as the game progresses, triple techs especially. They went out of their way to give these ones spectacular animations.
I also want to point out that I had the "active" mode enabled in combat, not the "wait" mode. So I had to make decisions as quickly as possible.
It's not entirely turn-based now that I think about it. It's kinda weird, like a mix of turn-based & real time combat.

Outside of combat, your character is fast aswell. And I appreciate that you can run away from most regular fights. It makes the random encounters more bearable.

You can trigger side quests by doing specific actions in the Past, and then seeing NPCs behaviors changing entirely once you go back in the Present.
Taking the time to talk to every NPC gives you valuable informations, such as specific enemies weaknesses, and locations of bonus items, which felt really rewarding. They can offer you consumables too, if you come talk to them later in the story.

The game had several events that were moving or wholesome. The moment when Robo is getting bullied by all his old friends in the underground facility was touching.
I also remember when the characters were partying with Ayla in the prehistoric era. It made the game much more lively & spirited.
Or sometimes, I just had to wait and watch silently as the event unfolds, for example when Bosch & Lucca were repairing Grandleon, which made those moments more enthralling.

The music never goes unnoticed, whether it's upbeat, melancholic or mysterious. I could name so many tracks that I kept listening to after I was done playing the game.
It really enhanced the events of the story, and put your adventure on a bigger scale. The soundtrack is grand.

Bosses weren't just damage sponges, and you need to perform specific actions on some of them to be able to damage them efficiently. It made the combat really engaging.
For example against the jugglers, you need to alternate physical & magic attacks; against Nizbel you have to figure out that you need to shock him with Chrono's Lightning to reduce his defense; or against Magus where you need to alternate the elements of your spells.

My favorite moment in the game has to be when Frog opens the path to the Magic Cave. His theme is so epic. He is my favorite character in Chrono Trigger!
The side quest where he finds Cyrus grave and gives him one final goodbye was also really touching.

Another noteworthy moment is when the party manages to resurrect Chrono. The scene leading up to it, with the beautiful background & music made it unforgettable. The game has some beautiful landscapes.

It was interesting to see the effects the party's accomplishments had on the different time periods. You witness the changes you make in each timeline as the game progresses, and it's really satisfying.

After Robo is done replanting the forest, we witness Lucca's Past in one of her dreams, and we understand what caused her to become a scientist. It taught us more about her motive, and it gave her more personality. It was a really nice moment, and the shot of the party resting around the camp fire was quite memorable.

The quests at the Lost Sanctum were AWFUL. Never again.
It took me 6 hours going up & down the Mount Emerald dozens of times to finish this optional content. I'll try erasing this part of the game from my memory because it's the complete opposite of the rest of the game in terms of fun. Please, just ignore that section of the game altogether, it's not worth the hassle.
It's crazy to think this wasn't in the original game, they decided to add it in later versions (DS & Steam). What a terrible decision!

All the endgame quests leading up to the encounter with Lavos delivered nice bits of story, while also giving you the best gear possible to deal with the final Boss.
Whether it's Robo and the encounters with Atropos & Mother brain; Glenn saying goodbye to his old friend Cyrus; or Marle making up with her father. All those quests were interesting and also had fun boss fights.

I really appreciate that I didn't have to grind at any point in the game. Every fight was manageable with my current gear, and I never got stuck against an impossibly hard Boss that forced me to come back after leveling up a bit.
Mind you, some Bosses were still challenging.

The ending was really moving, it almost made me cry. From the moment you defeat Lavos till the last second of the game was absolutely amazing.
The scene where they all have to say goodbye to each other before going back in their respective timeline, with the really sad music ("Epilogue ~ To Good Friends"); then you have the cutscene with Chrono & Marle's wedding; Glenn being made knight by the King; and then you can watch the characters flying the Epoch as the credits are rolling (with the music "To Far Away Times" playing in the background)... Everything just feels right. We really couldn't have a more perfect ending to this game.

In conclusion, this JRPG has aged incredibly well. If some of you are like me and have trouble getting into old-school JRPG, please trust me. What makes this one special is its combat system that is unique & truly enjoyable. Other aspects of the game are great aswell, but it's the gameplay that sets him apart from the rest.

----------Playtime & Completion----------

[Played in late May 2023]
Playtime: 40 hours
I got the "Beyond Time" ending. It's the main ending.
I didn't restart the game in ng+ yet, but I will probably try to complete a few more endings in the future!

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I was reluctant to play that game for some reason. Probably because of its age, I guess... And I thought all the praise it got was exaggerated. But oh boy was I wrong!

It turned out to be one of my favorite zelda games. Definitely one of the best OST in the franchise.
The combat aged really well with the Z-targeting, and the dungeons have great puzzles.

The story is so captivating, with Link going back in time, getting help from Sheik and exploring a desolated Hyrule after the 7 years skip. By the way, I didn't see the plot twist coming, with Sheik who turned out to be Zelda. It was neat!

In retrospect, the thing I enjoyed the most about the game is being lost, having to figure out where to go, or what I have to do. There were so many moments where I was completely clueless, and had to get hints by talking to the NPCs, trying out different items in different parts of the map, etc...

----------Playtime & Completion----------

[Played between late July & early August 2021]
Playtime: 50 hours
Main story complete.

My first Pokémon game.

I understand why so many people love this franchise. Evolving your pokémons can be really addictive, and I think it was fun when I started playing the game.

But the combat became boring really quickly, it's too repetitive and there isn't any strategy involved in the fights, it's just dull.

Nothing makes me angrier than random encounters. The parts where I needed to cross tunnels/caverns were EXTREMELY annoying, because I was getting attacked literally every 5 seconds.

----------Playtime & Completion----------

[Played in late August 2021]
Playtime: 35 hours
I stopped after defeating the 8 Gym Leaders, but I didn't fight the Elite Four.

A puzzle game with a really original concept. Being able to change the rules of the game whenever you want was such a neat idea.

I never played that game more than 30 minutes straight for some reason. I've only played this game in short gaming sessions.

----------Playtime & Completion----------

[Played in mid-February 2022]
Playtime: 7 hours
Unfinished. I did half of the levels.

Great concept, and the puzzles weren't too hard hopefully (I was a bit worried initially, because I'm really stoopid)

I'm glad I finally got to play this iconic game 15 years later!

----------Playtime & Completion----------

[Played in late June 2022]
Playtime: 4 hours
Main story complete.

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I played it right after finishing Portal 1.

I slightly prefered Portal 2, obviously because it has more content, and the puzzles were more elaborate with new game mechanics.
But also because there was more story involved in that game. The part where you go out of the laboratory and learn more about the Past, and the backstory of Cave Johnson was really cool.

----------Playtime & Completion----------

[Played in late June 2022]
Playtime: 14 hours
Main story complete.



This is, without a doubt, the most beautiful 2D game I have EVER played. By far.

The gameplay is unfortunately a bit lacking, especially in the first half of the game.
As many people said, it's almost like a "walking simulator"
But personally, I liked the art-style & music so much that it made up for it. The atmosphere is really soothing.

And some parts were still relatively fun, like the moment where the screen is split in half, and going in the upper part of the screen turns the gravity upside-down.
But yeah, I could easyly recommand this game for the aesthetics alone.

----------Playtime & Completion----------

[Played in late June 2022]
Playtime: 12 hours
100% Completion

The swedish scenery and chill vibes really spoke to me. Looking at the photo album as the game progresses was heartwarming.
The game has a melancholic atmosphere, and it tells a simple story about the flow of time, and how to let things go.

I enjoyed the main gimmick with the string, but the gameplay never really evolves throughout the game.
They never introduce new mechanics to keep the gameplay refreshing, so it was kinda disappointing.

----------Playtime & Completion----------

[Played in late November 2022]
Playtime: 14 hours
Main story complete, but I didn't get all the achievements.

I didn't like how easy it was to miss some of the content. After finishing the game, I realized I had missed a few boss fights, cutscenes and NPCs despite exploring the map thoroughly.
You can actually miss content if you don't talk to NPCs before you've defeated specific Bosses.

I enjoyed the atmosphere with the religious symbols & spanish aesthetics. By the way, the spanish voice acting was incredible. It totally fits the game and was high quality.

I liked how threatening some Bosses were with their design, music and sound effects.
I recall Bosses like Our Lady of the Charred Visage and Exposito. Some NPCs were also really striking, I especially remember the dude with an old man coming out of his belly, and the siamese sisters.

Gameplay-wise, my favorite Boss fights are:
- Our lady of the Charred Visage: It was the first Boss that made me struggle a lot. The second phase where she throws fire balls with both hands really made me sweat! Challenging & fun fight
- Quirce: The boss wasn't hard, but his patterns were just really engaging
- Isidora: Hardest boss in the game, and it relies a lot on parrying, which I always enjoy in Metroidvanias. Hearing her chants during the fight was dope, and she has a cool design.

The exploration wasn't that fun and I barely remember any area theme. It's the third Metroidvania that I play, and I realize that I enjoy combat a lot more than platforming.
While I was playing Blasphemous, I was always looking forward to the next Boss fight, but I was often losing my patience during the exploration between each Boss. And the same can be said about Grime, which I played a few months ago.

Just a nitpick, but some hitboxes were a bit clunky. There were weird ladders & spikes hitboxes in Miriam's platforming challenges.

----------Playtime & Completion----------

[Played in late January 2023]
Playtime: 30 hours
I finished the main story, accomplished all Miriam's parkour challenges and most side quests.
I missed the Bosses from Stir of Dawn DLC because they're only available in NG+.