I usually cannot play horror games but this one was done masterfully well with a very unique take on the idea of the haunted house, KittyHorrorshow makes games that do such a wonderful job of evoking deep nameless feelings in me.

Generally, this game has excellent presentation, the mechs stomp across the battlefield and your view bobs up and down accordingly. Mechs are lovingly rendered and while they are not 1 to 1 with their original look, I tend to appreciate the redesigns.

However, what cannot be avoided is years or bizzare design decisions that have made the game cycle through various absurd weapon imbalances. Also, general changes like increasing matches from 8v8 to 12v12 have made it so a game that once excelled at drawn-out brawls with tactic usage of torso twisting to spread damage, to longer range sniping and skirmishing where the increased gun count on either side punishes not staying in a large deathball of mechs.

Worse has been the absurd monetary model the game has followed, selling mechs at absurd prices and jumping on whatever trend of the day to try and bleed the playerbase dry.

However since I have come back these practices have calmed down considerably and there are events running frequently to give out mechs and other goodies to active players. The base model of free-to-play and all the predatory aspects of it remain, but there is legitimately a fun game here about giant stompy robots here.


First time with an Atelier game, was pleasantly surprised. The core loop of gathering and crafting is very satisfying, as is making upgrades to your gear. Each new tool in your arsenal feels like you just broke the difficulty of the game in half, which can be very satisfying, but I wish they let you play the harder difficulties before clearing the game. Even on Hard the game never really challenged me except when I accidentally stumbled into a post-game boss.


The story was very charming, and it struck me how grounded it stayed. Sure, you are eventually saving thousands of people with your actions, but the focus is squarely on the personal growth of your characters and a well crafted coming-of-age story.

Anime Bullshit:

The game is thankfully light on typical nonsense, baring some over-sized and gravity defying boobs, as well as the main character's absurd outfit. Outside of the visual presentation, the story does not overly sexualize it's women and lets them be full people, even sidestepping what I thought was surely going an out-of-nowhere romantic development.

In Conclusion

A nice, warm, and ultimately bitter-sweet coming-of-age story with a compelling crafting system, main thing holding it back is an ok combat system and an aversion to doing anything too terribly different or out there. It is an excellent "one of those" but there are a lot of them out there.

Easily one of my favorite visual novels, full of haunting words, delightfully moody atmosphere and incredible music. The metaphors can be dense but that is part of what I love about it.

Desperately wanted to love this one but the many ways this game is monetized creep into all aspects of play, making the various hooks and designed FoMO impossible to ignore. It's fun to play dress-up in space with your buddies, but it's hard to recommend this one to anyone but a die-hard PSO fan.

Very charming exploration of characters both examined and un-examined by Homestuck proper. Had an absolute blast but your mileage may vary depending on your interpretation of the characters, which Pesterquest draws into sharper focus in a way that necessitates making some decisions about who these characters are. James brings some excellent tunes both from Friendsim and entirely new.

One of the most broken messes I have ever played, music that does not loop correctly, barely though-out mechanics, one of the worst cameras in recent memory, and a story full of some the most embarrassing chest-thumping nonsense I have witnessed

Incredibly tight platformer with tons of depth to what seems like an incredibly simple set of controls. And a touching story about dealing with depression and anxiety. Very challenging but endlessly encouraging to it's players.

Unlike a lot of folks, I felt the difficulty is right where it needed to be for a Megaman Battle Network vet, though it could use some accessibility features for folks who are struggling. One of my main complaints is that you will end up not taking most of the cards offered if you know what you are doing, and that can feel deeply un-intuitive to folks who are not as familiar with a deck-builder, especially one like this where efficiency is key. Style is lovely and increasing the board space to 4x4 per side was a very smart move.

Full of the ache and fury and Ecstasy of the queer experience, no other piece of art has quite captured the feeling as well as this has for me.

These games are very cute and soft, nothing revolutionary or compelling but sometimes you just wanna play a cute gay game

Fun gameplay and at times, compelling story marred by a load of gimmicks that end up making you play in strange ways to cheese some of the absurd moves the game pulls on you, as well as a story full of anime bullshit (just a ton of play-ed out gender tropes and shitty behavior the game expects you to find endearing). Would be vastly improved by greater confidence in it's core mechanics and a couple more passes at what is otherwise a great story.

Brought much needed changes to formula for a franchise that I love a whole lot but had gotten quite long in the tooth. Full voice acting really helps things come together, biggest thing I would want from later titles is to ditch the player-insert characters and handle the queer aspects of the game better.

Does not quite stack up to FTL because of purely personal taste for me, but make no mistake, masterful tactical game that is brilliantly simple.

A fun Visual Novel / Dungeon Crawler, the concept is neat enough for the novelty to propel you forward as you get to know some hot weapons, and by the the time you've acclimated there is probably at least one person who intrigues you enough to keep going and figure them out.

I was surprised how much the focus on dating and flirting rather than romance enabled me to make more on-the-fly roleplaying decisions than I usually would in a visual novel where I might normally be tempted to try and steer towards a 'route'. Even the strictly platonic paths had a lot of playful energy to them, for example I had no interest in dating K-pop boy but he was fun for friendly snuggles.

Gameplay is perfectly serviceable, you can pretty clearly see the DNA of games like Bastian here, lacks the polish that later exemplars of the style like Hades would show but its fun and engaging (though I wish enemies had clear wind-up frames so combat was less memorizing how long enemies had between attacks and could instead be more reactive and fluid)

Be warned that a major, unavoidable part of this game is dealing with a creep who stalks you, kidnaps people, and is just in general the Worst kind of guy. I actually liked that the game went there, and found myself first trying to politely turn him down, then defuse him, and then just try and shoot him down outright at every opportunity, it felt really natural, even if he gets a little cartoonishly jerky.

Also, cannot be overstated how good the music is, phenomenal.