Unlikable protagonist and boring as hell.

Fun! Shout out to Studio Sai. Really well done for a first time developer by himself. It definitely scratched the persona itch.

Really fun KOF. Love the Garou team coming back in 3D.

Love the assist mechanics and the return of Smoke. I’m definitely missing the krypt but the invasions are fun.

Best street fighter vanilla version potentially ever. Love this game.

A classic only made better with the RE engine. Phenomenal game. I miss the quips of the original Leon but not enough to knock off a point.

Coolest story that I played this year. I love the ambiguity and the old school Resident Evil vibes. The enemy variety was a bit sparse but it was such a good time, I only thought about it when writing this short review. Highly recommend.

More of a kinetic novel than a game. It was a harrowing tale but the gameplay was a bit too walking simulator-y for my taste.

100%ing an RPG is a time sink but this one was worth it. Loved the characters, the gameplay loop and the dual protagonists. Incredibly stoked for the remake.

Great music. Great story. It’s persona and it’s a classic. I didn’t have the drive to grind for all achievements in this one like I did persona 3. I think the game is great but didn’t click with me the same way persona 3 did.

Went in with high hopes but this game was just boring. I hear the sequels are better so I’ll reserve judgement on the series as I move through them.

Harder than I anticipated but a good game overall! I didn’t mind the linearity of the story compared to the previous games.

Had never played it until this year. Masterpiece through and through. Most fun I’ve had 100% a game in a while

Better than the first! Early game music might be the best in the series!