Better than The Complete Saga for one reason:
-Hover Chair Yoda-

Yoda walk in Original Trilogy and TCS is yucky and slow.
Also nostalgic af so

Used to avoid for a bit because popular = bad, but genuinely lots of fun with a good group of friends.

Cute and fun to play, but very easy for me to end up dropping for months at a time.
For the next AC, I'm hoping for better multiplayer activities. If there was enhanced multiplayer I would probably play a bit more.
Hitting each other with all the tools available gets old quick.

Basically: Doctor Who Cookie Clicker.

There is no challenge, it's a braindead "make the numbers get bigger quicker" "game". The only appeal I can see here is the references. The art style is nice, in fact too nice for a game such as this. So in reality it feels like a shame.
Supposedly there's a -Story- weaved into all the mindless -Gameplay- but given the dialogue I've seen up to Episode 3 it's easy to assume "story" is a very generous term.
There's the typical modern mobile gaming rubbish, spending real life money (up to ยฃ71.99) on in-game garbage. The only true compliment is there's no damn NFTs in this thing like there is in Worlds Apart.
If you want a mindless Cookie Clicker with a Doctor Who skin then go ahead, the only things this game will do is take away your time and storage space.

> "We're making a Mario Kart mobile game"
> "Yooo this could be pretty neat"
> It's everything you hoped it wouldn't be

This thing is filled with modern mobile gaming's usual (as EA would say) Surprise Mechanicsโ„ข.

Introduces some interesting new ideas to the series, I'll give it that. Reverse courses and remixed courses are really nice and I'd like to see it implemented into the next mainline game.

Also this game has the best roster in any Mario Kart game... Why. Why.

Gameplay ๐ŸŽฎ
I enjoyed the new puzzles, they didn't feel contrived or cheat-y like a certain other mod cough Portal Prelude cough. Favourites of mine were puzzles that had very few elements and discovering the twist was super satisfying. A couple of comments I have though would be: 1. The difficulty didn't progress sequentially, some later chambers were much easier than one before them. Perhaps that's just my experience. 2. And this connects to the first point slightly, sometimes it felt like I had cheesed the chambers. Or other times it felt like the chamber was easier than the devs intended because I made it through a puzzle without evening using an entire room with a second light bridge.
Apart from that, I did enjoy myself. ๐Ÿ˜

Visual/Style ๐ŸŽจ
One thing I've always loved about the Portal games is the opportunities to check out behind the scenes. Like how do these games make exploring offices really interesting?? And this game provides a lot more of that, so that was fun. Otherwise it's more Portal, and that can't be a bad thing.

Music ๐ŸŽน
The new music in this game composed by Harry101UK is amazing. I felt it fit perfectly as a "Portal mod" soundtrack and made the chambers a lot more fun to play. Even listening to it while writing this ๐ŸŽต

Voice Acting ๐Ÿ”Š
I thought the voice of Virgil the core was really good. Although personally I found the Cave Johnson impression a bit off-putting, it was the one thing that made this scream "fan-made". Not a deal-breaker of course, but I thought it was still something of note. It's only there for 30%ish of the game anyway.

Story ๐Ÿ“–
One concern I sometimes have is that maybe a fan story will delve so much into lore that it really does feel like a fan story. Thankfully this wasn't the case and it felt nice and simple. The one connection it does have is hinted at a couple of times and at the end it sort of pulls a "Star Wars Rogue One" in explaining an aspect of Portal 2. So I thought it was fun ๐Ÿ˜„

If you want more Portal, get this mod. It's free on Steam. More puzzles, fun story, great music. Apart from a couple of hiccups, this is a very professionally done mod. ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘

Lots of these puzzles required quite a bit of thinking but they were all very satisfying to figure out. I must admit I did need to look at a tutorial (once!) and that was for a part of the escape sequence at the end. Speaking of which, there is a section where you revisit a previous test chamber and I destroyed a cube in that room that was necessary for the puzzle and the dispenser wouldn't release another so I had to reset the map. That's my only legitimate issue I've had with the game.

It's Portal 1 innit, my favourite aesthetic. Can't get enough of it ๐Ÿ˜Ž

The small amount of music made for this mod is great and adds vibes that fit perfectly with Portal 1. Sadly they're short and don't loop ๐Ÿฅบ

Voice Acting(?)
GLaDOS is voiced by a text-to-speech bot, classic for an old Portal mod. If this mod ever gets the RTX treatment then I hope they upgrade it to... AI text-to-speech I guess lol

Nothing spectacular, when playing this you should be here for the puzzles and not the lore. Just a basic "test subject escapes facility".

Very ebpic. ๐Ÿค 

Mildy entertaining mobile game.

The levels can be quite typical stuff but if you try collecting all the special coins then the one-handed gameplay becomes quite challenging. There are 3 sets of 5 different coloured coins in each level and adds replayability, it may even alter the level in small ways to make coins hard to reach. But it's still basically playing the same level 3 times.
The Remix mode is fun. It can be difficult to get some of the star coins since once you've chosen one way to go you find out the coin is on another platform. Perhaps that's just my skill issue. Also.. the music. It sounded like a pretty nice remix of different Mario themes but where tf did those vocals come from lol. It really could've done without them. "Show me your love" ??? But hey, they give you the option to play your own music while playing which is pretty cool.
Toad Rally is eh.

======| Please pay ยฃ5.99 for the Full Review |======

(I did not pay to play the rest of this game)

Fml. It had been a while since playing the original mod for the first Portal, so my memories of it were a bit iffy, but after the absolute pain and torture that was Chamber 19 I can agree with all the other comments I've seen of this. This mod focuses very much on precision platforming and physics than it does on puzzles; and even if that's your thing, it's so incredibly infuriating that it's beyond just having a skill issue. I tried to use the developer console but for some reason it wouldn't work, I kept dying due to the heaps of stuff GLaDOS throws at you. I called it a day. After spending so long on Chamber 19 I had had enough. The game suggesting you to turn off Portal Funneling is a red flag in itself. You really need lots of momentum to achieve anything in some segments.
Oh and the placement of so many Turrets was just taking the p*ss.

The RTX is nice, my Nvidia card ran the game at 40-60fps on Performance mode. Still pretty, and I prefer the Portal 1 aesthetic to 2's. I'm afraid that won't redeem this game for me at all.

I guess there was music. Helped the Portal ambience. I'll give credit to the ominous music that played at the second section of Chamber 19, really hammered in my despair. Oh and they changed the GLaDOS boss music, it's alright. There was something a little quirky about the original's choices but I understand the change to non-copyright music, if that was the reason for the change.

Voice Acting
It's fine. At least they're real voices now instead of the TTS voices from the original, but the dialogue is still a nothingburger. It's not funny nor that entertaining.

I feel that when I first encountered this mod years and years ago, it was the prospect of a game taking place before the activation of GLaDOS that really intrigued me and made me enjoy the original mod so much. I still love the idea today, and seeing the behind-the-scenes of Aperture filled with actual people is such a strange thing. Sadly ofc this is all attached to poorly designed gameplay.

If you want to put yourself through this gauntlet that's physics oriented and not puzzle then go ahead. But if you want a game that's actually similar to Portal then perhaps this isn't it. Best watch a playthrough or have the developer console at the ready if you want to have an easier time.


Sad about the spider's fate ๐Ÿ˜”
Really enjoyed the aesthetic of this, only played this because I remember this game was covered by every YouTuber way back when. Ultimately, I probably won't remember this game much.

I know this may be sacrilege to some people, but this was just okay.
I think I would've found this game more charming had I played the original with a good ol' CRT, or perhaps if I played this at an arcade.

Mildly fun but mostly average pack-in-wii-sports-wannabe minigame collection overpriced at ยฃ50 at the Switch's launch.
Breath of the Wild was also available at launch.

Genuinely prefer this to Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. The steering of the cars feel much better and has a fun amount of jank for funky shortcuts.
I also enjoy the simplicity of not having the transformations like the next game. I also don't mind the announcer, I kinda like it just because it really gives me that arcade feel like with the Mario Kart GP games.
However, the items are hit and miss. Especially that bloody star attack that FLIPS YOUR SCREEN UPSIDE DOWN MID RACE. Literally nauseating. If that weren't a thing then this is a truly solid basic kart racer. ๐Ÿ‘

Classic game. Fairly average, but WaterFlame's music makes it very nostalgic.

When I saw that the BBC had made a new browser game for Doctor Who I was a little excited. I have great nostalgia for the classic Doctor Who Flash games from years ago... Unfortunately this is absolutely, hilariously, terrible.

This game is just rotating a single paddle around a circle and seeing how many times you can bounce the TARDIS.png without it floating away.

This must be someone's Year 8 Computer Science homework uploaded onto a BBC website because it's just... this is actually Slitheen Surfer-tier content. And at least that was funny.

I'm still hoping for a Doctor Who browser game renaissance some day. Fill up that Game tab on the website.