23 reviews liked by Aybeesee123

Look I can see people back in the day renting the original game from block buster for a weekend but nowadays I don't see the point in this. Why remake a mediocre game and change nothing in it? Of course it's gonna be shit. If your not a fan of 2000 A.D or have never heard of it the plot makes absolutely no sense. You have to go into the encyclopedia in the main menu to get a taste of lore and that's only if you collect enough scraps. The original comic art looks really good but it translated horribly into 3d graphics. There are absolutely no stakes your just going on a 5 hour revenge hunt and the gunplay is just horrible. It gives you the illusion of having a bunch of weapons but you only use 2 of them, the gunner and the pistols as the other 5 weapons are only for certain situations and I'm not even counting the shotgun it sucks so bad. It tries to do a fun gimmick as you can only buy your ammo by salvage parts from dead enemies, but you'll just be buying med kits and ammo for your gunner so there's really no point in it.
My brother got this game from best buy for like 4 dollars and at that point just buy a big Mac you'll get much more enjoyment out of that than this game.

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I bought a series X just to play this game. When I was playing it I was just in love with everything about it, but once I exited out of the honeymoon phase it all kinda just settled in. The gameplay is great but it doesn't carry the game enough for me, the open world is also cool but it has very little variety besides the forerunner levels which are few and far between. Master Chief is portrayed very well in this game, a far cry from halo 5. But there just aren't enough characters to really get me invested in the grand story and every character you do meet is either dead or dies in front of you. Past characters are no where to be seen (and are possibly dead but the game dose a terrible job of explaining what happend) and the evil ape is just a generic villain that pretends to be deep. Killing him gave me nowhere as near as much satisfaction as I did with Tarturus or any other villain. And the ending was just shit. It has good moments, heck it has very memorable moments, but unfortunately it just can't carry the game enough for me.

With the shit halo has been going through and the decline support for it. I'm kinda just done with it. The poorly executed story wasn't enough to keep me engaged and the multiplayer is a shitty battle pass shit show that requires 0% of my time. I won't be coming back to halo unless I hear that's it's good again.

Sorry if this review was all over the place it's midnight and I'm sleepy.

Not one near
My class of heat
The rule of the wind
Is to never get beat
Don't hedge, don't hog
You're put to test
Like Jet, as hawk
I'll rattle your nest

I never come down
I'm high alone
Bred from a genie
With wings and throne
Jet-fire hawk
The sky is me
All for the speed
I was born to be
Born to be
Born to be

Catch me if you can
There's no turning back
Reach but never catch

Catch me if you can
You can't fathom that
Wonders you can't have

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It's a guilty pleasure

what was mr death note smoking for these designs, can i have some?

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As featured in "My Console" by Eiffel 65!

better turn based RPG than anything out of Japan in the last 8 years tbh