A great game to just throw on some music or a podcast and zone out. Some of the scenarios are a bit unfair, especially some of the secondary and tertiary missions, but overall the game is a great time.

This game somehow feels jankier than the first game. The on foot sections really bring the game down and ruin the pacing. The actual skating is still good though.

They still managed to improve upon THPS 2, although the difference isn't as drastic as the differences between THPS 1 and TSPS 2. The biggest improvement is somehow the soundtrack. It's my favorite in the series. Everything else gets minor but welcome improvements that make this the best of the original, timer-based design.

What a step up. I know, I'm playing the enhanced Xbox version but still, the difference between THPS 1 and 2 is night and day. The overall presentation is vastly improved, including the soundtrack. The controls have already been perfected and the level design is fantastic.

An intuitive and fun time. The controls are a little stiff but they are super simple to understand but hard to master. The level design is good and the soundtrack is awesome.

Probably the best one, but again I feel like the gameplay needs something. What that something is I have no idea but I definitely see the value of the franchise.

A step up, even if it is minor. The controls are better and the level design is better, but the core gameplay still feels like it's missing something.

A solid time, although it hasn't aged well. The controls are just slightly too stiff for my liking and some of the level design is actually bad but it's still worth revisiting.

I physically cannot beat the water boss and I don't like Crash games enough to push through..

The game never grabbed me like I was expecting. I think we need more games where you control a non-humanoid character but unfortunately this one isn't for me. I can definitely see the appeal though and I will probably play the Wii version to see if that helps with the inaccurate brush mechanic.

Not as good as the first game but shooting cars with machine guns is cathartic as hell.

I didn't expect much and I've gotta say it's way better than I thought. I would have loved it as a kid but I didn't even know what a PS2 was back then so maybe not.

A solid time, although it is rather janky. The multiplayer is the best part of the game for sure.

The definition of "almost good". Getting 1080i on the Xbox is very cool and honestly the best part of the game.

I grew up with this game on the GameCube and it's my favorite to this day. Finally beating it is kinda surreal and very gratifying. The soundtrack took a hit from THPS 3, adding more hip hop and rap (which isn't bad, I just prefer rock and metal), but it's still my second favorite soundtrack so it's not bad at all. The open design is a big improvement over the time limit structure of the first 3. The maps are big and diverse with the same high quality design that the others had.