Nails the 90's aesthetic with its visuals and music. The gameplay is pretty unique for a roguelike considering there's basically no combat. The rng definitely bs's you sometimes but that's kind of part of the experience. The game is super charming and you can feel the heart that went into it. Its definitely best enjoyed with a friend even though most of the time I could only play it alone.

I like the first one more since I feel this one drags on for a bit too long but they're both amazing games.

Very simple Metroidvania but thats not a bad thing. Combat and movement feel satisfying and the level design definitely complements your moveset. The visuals are cute and charming and the casettes you collect throughout the game let you change the color pallette which is neat. The mechanic where you are forced to leave your suit is also unique and leads to some cool moments. The short length of the game works in its favor as it has made it very replayable to me and made fun to 100%. My only problem is that the map isn't very useful and can lead to parts feeling confusing. Other than that the game is great even if it doesn't stray too far from the average metroidvania.

I picked this one up hoping for a Punchout-like experience and I think it suceeded. The bosses are very well designed and are the main draw for this game. They each have some cool and unique mechanics like the chef boss where you have to toss in the right ingredients to stun him. They're difficult but still feel fair which is important. The art style also stands out and really looks like a noir comic book come to life. The music is also good and reminded me a lot of Hotline Miami. The only part I wasn't too keen on was the 3d sections. They serve to vary up the gameplay but suffer from stiff tank controls. While some parts are okay, others like the meat factory level can feel frustrating. Other than that I really enjoyed my time with Pato Box and would recommend it to anyone looking for a Punchout-like experience.