My expectations were so high but there wasn't really a point in making it a new game. At least its free now

Kind of boring... playing this made me wish I was playing Far Cry 5 instead. Most of the characters are uninteresting and the ones that are kind of aren't worth continuing the game for.

I wanted to like this more than I did but it was kind of boring.

Got it as a joke gift. It is a joke game...

One of the best VNs I've ever played. The best death game I've ever seen and played. Masterpiece. A must-play for anybody relatively interested in it!

Although it's an nsfw vn with high school students (usually a no go for me... and also I played it while in high school) I love playing as an actual matchmaker so much! And the ghosts are just too cute :)

Liked this way more than I thought I would... I need more content

A series that despite its flaws and pretty problematic writing wormed its way into my brain and turned me onto death games as a whole.

One of my favorite ever childhood games! I cannot play any modern theme park game that comes out because none of them can begin to compare to this, I am not even exaggerating when I say that this game was ahead of its time and an underrated gem. Not only is the coaster building awesome but it was so immersive as you got to play as a manager in first person, interact with the guests in many ways ride all the rides, play all the games, and you could even buy the food and gifts from the various shops you put up. This game has left me with an itch unsatisfied by any theme park game I've played since.