grenade button placement will always make me laugh no matter what generation it is. it sure ain’t its sequel.

“It’s always been a 3 pronged attack: subliminal, liminal, and superliminal.”
“I’ll show you— HEY YOU! JOIN THE NAVY!”

how could u rate it any lower? all time 3D platformer

these games are just so good. Goda was a great villain. didn’t really like some of the combat changes from kiwami 1

kicked ass. made me cry. raz is the man

i’m a sucker for the large rosters but not even i could do the 100%. a complete slog but fred durst voice just gimmie somethin to break

what a shame man the gameplay is so slick and cool and fun but the campaign gets so samey when it should’ve been a landmark. go here shoot this go there shoot that press a button talk to cortana. pretending to be spider man was fun

didn’t think much of it going in but the story really got me.
hard to sell me the whole peter quill good ole boy from missouri thang when the VO they got for him is very noticeably canadian