An atmospheric Diggin simulator where you unearth dead gods from their grave and discover the secrets of the sandbox.

Simple fun little slomo shooter, with some interesting mechanics. does what it sets out to do and little else. Very good time waster.

whats there to say? this game fuckin rules. One of the best on the PSX

Wish I'd had this as a kid. A bit of an easier introduction to Spyro style open world platformer, this is surprisingly much more fun than you'd expect from a children's Muppets game. Surprisingly putting 2 lesser (but delightful) characters in the spotlight Robin and Pepe, this game is still a treat.

this is the kind of nightmare feverdream is what an itch indie horror dev could only dream of creating. The critters are cool though.

Perfect short dose of retro fps fun. Tholen knocks it out of the park again, and really has me excited for the Hypnospace Outlaw sequel coming up.

Just couldnt get into it. story was interesting but the game was buggy and the controls on horse just felt off.

Some of the most fun I've had in a long time. fun story, amazing soundtrack, smooth engaging gameplay and definitely left me wanting more. contender for my GOTY.

Great little 40ish minute experience.

The only game I keep consistently installed because someone, across multiple friend groups. will want to play. And the Jump in-Out gameplay is so inviting it's hard to ever say no. Rock and Stone.