Genuinely a great assassins creed game, i would place it second to Brotherhood. I thought Edward was a great and deep protagonist, and the game is genuinely fun.

I thought that it didn’t really add much to the original and I hardly used pikachu at all tbh, swapped him out with zapdos instead cause he’s complete crap. I would have 100% the game but I didn’t fancy getting another 3ds to do it. Instead I got all the Pokémon I could for this game.

I think it develops upon the first game really well, improving combat and web swinging, however there isn't enough content for it to be justified as a fully priced game. Basically a DLC for the first, and just as fun.

Really good story but the gameplay is a bit arcade like. Not as good as the second but laid the groundwork for it. 100% it as well.

I absolutely love this game, from beginning to end, it is genuinely the greatest game I have ever played. I've 100% completed it once, and I've beaten the game 4 times now, once on ps4, and 3 times on pc. This is my absolute favourite game ever.

Story's pretty generic but the actual gameplay is quite fun and I enjoyed taking down the cartel. Also if you go for all of them it becomes quite a long game.

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Kinda mid tbh, the game doesn't pick up until like sequence 8. Idk why they made us play as Connor when Haytham is such a cooler character. Also bad ending for Desmond as well

The story is no where near as good as 2 or Brotherhood, and I definitely still think brotherhood is the best of the trilogy. This one feels like a sort of epilogue side mission type thing but it's still decently fun.

Best spider-man game, absolutely love the story and gameplay

Improves upon the first game in every single way, giving us much better building, more variety, a better, more fleshed out story and plenty of content. I loved the story and building aspects, and I can't wait for a dragon quest builders 3

Absolutely amazing from start to finish, I absolutely love the emphasis on norse mythology throughout, it's really clear that the developers cared about attention to detail in this one. Absolutely one of my favourite games now, I'm so glad it was released on pc.

Campaign: Genuinely quite a good campaign, definitely worth a play, but obviously as it's a cod game it's quite short.

Campaign: not exactly invested in the characters, story's a bit meh, but its quite fun. Get's repetitive though