An extraodinary J-RPG with great graphics, designs and soundtrack. And a deeper story than it seems, which makes you question modern society...
But hey you can get a goth girlfriend !

A very cool Zelda-like where you play a cat !!!
Happy Purrs

Cute graphics. Nice gameplay. Very cool game to play with a friend in local co-op.
So team up to stop the Cat-Paw-Calypse !!!

Me playing against my younger cousin :
"You are unbeatble to the 100m dash. How do reach that level?
- Seven more years of masturbation practice than you, thats's my secret kiddo."

My hands and arms are painful just by seeing the game cover. Muscle memory is strong with this game.

The battle system of Chrono Trigger.
Cute graphics.
A simple yet effective story.
And a lot of piano... A LOT!

Back in time where commercial-related games were cool and fun. A nice platformer game with good level design and sympathic musics.

I suppose Squaresoft managed to trap programmers in a dimension out of time and space so they could take the centuries needed to realise this masterpiece. One of the best JRPG I ever played.

I understand why Chakan is called The Forever Man. This game is so empty and so long it takes the eternity to find a little fun in it.

A true masterpiece. Nothing else to declare.

Very cool sequel to the first Lemmings game. A lot of new jobs is added... So as many new possibilities to kill your Lemmings.

Nice puzzle game with great concept. I really like the fact that sometime you feel like you beat the level... and in the end you just created a sophisticated way to kill all your Lemmings.

I have come here to chew bubblegum and accuse innocent people... and I'm all out of bubblegum.

Step 1: open an hospital in Gotham
Step 2: become Batman
Step 3: hurt a lot of people by any means, including a TANK
Step 4: Profit.

Who is the real criminal in Gotham?

Basically an over-the-top Escape from New York knock-off. Strangely, the game is quite good : decent graphics, cool gameplay, well implemented Metroidvania elements. Some battle phases can be a bit tough.
But it's kinda hell fun to play.