11 reviews liked by BestPresence

This might be the best game i´ve ever played and the only one where i had the patience to do 100%.
Devil survivor overclocked is one of those games where i had no idea what to expect since i barely see people talking about it, which is one of the reasons why it was so good. Since at the time i did not see anyone talking about it, i went with 0 exception and my god was it fascinating.
History: Ha yes, a game where your choices matter, my favorite. As in every megaten, this game has a history that shapes according to your choices of dialog and who do you decide to spend time with, just like persona. First, lets talk about dialog decisions. I dont know why i love this, but is it satisfying having the player being punished for being a jerk. Making the wrong choices can influence so much in the history, like killing a character or blocking you from getting different endings simply because you were not careful and i love this so much, since i was punished because of this in my first time playing cause i thought it would be cool to act cold and quirky. The result? had to play the whole game again to get the ending i wanted. Normally i would be mad about it, but being able to be punished for that makes me so happy cause proves that other characters are human too, and as we all know, being a jerk irl does not work most of the times, and these game apply that perfectly.
Well, as i said before, besides the dialog options, you also have to decide with which person will you spend your limited time, just like persona. This is important because for you to have certain endings, you´ll have to get along with certain characters, and that makes the time management amazing since you´ll have to decide what persons will you want to know more about in order to progress for certain endings. Not only that, but there´s always the fact that if you don´t pay attention to your time management, you might end up killing characters simply because you forgot what you were suppose to do at that specific moment of the day. It´s somewhat of a well made punishment mechanic, where is up to the player´s attention if they´ll get the ending they want or not.
Besides decisions, there also the pace of the history, which is really good. Being a game about a lockdown where people are stuck and want to get out, seeing how the game represents the population slowly losing their minds, while using not only human nature to do that but also different mechanics of the game makes this so amazing.
Finally, im going to talk about the routes, a common thing in megaten, where according to your decisions, you´ll be able to do different endings, like what i´ve talked about before. These game have 5 routes in total, being each connected to one or two characters. I´m not going to talk about each of them in detail since it would be spoiler, but here´s a quick review of them:
Yuzu´s route: Even tho these route is probably the worst, i still cant bring myself to not liking it, since it makes sense to the situation where the characters are. The fact that these route is the only one that the player has access to no matter what his choices are and the fact that the idea comes from one of the characters i dislike the most in the game kinda makes it worst than it actually is. The 8th day of this route is kinda of interesting, since it turns these route into what looks like a bad ending to something "better", i say "better" cause even tho the extra day gives more bosses and a more satisfying ending, it also defeats the purpose of what made the characters choose this ending.
Atsuro´s ending: It´s not the best ending, but definitely one of the most interesting endings because it turns the demons into what they look like to me as a player.
Naoya´s ending: One of the best two endings just because no matter the megaten, caos is always my way to go. Also because i love Naoya so much and, just like every other ending, you can see the protagonist go side with demons. The 8th Day is amazing just because you can become two different beings with the power you have and this day represents both paths fantastically. Also, the final boss of this day being one of my favorite demons in the franchise makes it even better.
Haru´s ending: My god, i love this ending so much. This path is so god damn good because its the only ending where you can see all characters liking your ideals, or at least, not wanting to murder you for your choice, and also because its Haru and Gin and i love them.
Amane´s ending: This ending is one of the reasons why i love the game, not because its the best ending, but because this might be the only game where i would do the law ending without getting mad for doing it, since i can´t bring myself to hate Amane as a character. Well, the 8th day on this one its really not that great tbh, i dont think its bad and i like it, but the only reason to exist is to make Naoya approve your decision, which is a no-go to me.
Characters: Oh boy, the characters. Well, since there are too many of them, so i wont describe one by one, but i´ll say my favorites and why all of them are great in their own way. All the characters in these game are so well made, since everyone has a different way of how do they view things and each one of them has a unique personality (besides one of them). Every single one has their own problems with the lockdown, which you can explore by choosing to pass more time with that person. As i said before, Naoya and Haru are certainly the characters i love the most. Naoya is such a great character to me for two reasons, he hates angles and he wants a reasonable revenge. As for Haru, i love her cause her backstory is fucked up and she is the perfect example of "what happens to you in the past will forever remain in your head". There are other two characters that i love simply because of their relation and interactions with the protagonist, Yuzu and Atsuro.
Well, the reason why i love the connection between these 3 is because, even in a fucked up situation like the lockdown, they will help each other, when 1 gets upset or mad, the other 2 will calm that 1 down, making them maintaining their sanity during the situation.
Ok, individually, i still love Atsuro and the only reason being that he´s your bro until the end, since no matter your choice, he will follow you and support your decision. Now, as for Yuzu, she´s still pretty good, even tho she´s the worst of the cast, does not mean she´s awful, my problem with her is that shes the only one who does not have a unique personality, since every line of her is exactly what you would expect from a girl form high school, which would be okay, if not for the fact that its IRRITATING AS FUCK. Still, pretty good most of the time cause she fits well in the situation.
For last, as for character designs, i think they all are incredible. Everyone has a unique and remarkable design, while also not being ridiculous nor stupid.
Gameplay: In gameplay, i will say, if it wasn´t for my love in pokemon and for the beautiful gameplay that SMTIVA gave to me, this would be the best gameplay i would ever had the pleasure to experience.
It was my first tactical RPG and it was just amazing in every aspect. It was kinda hard and the fact that had so much customization made it fun as fuck. Also, having variety in missions makes this game pretty entertaining, and not only in missions, but the amount of demons present in the game is immense, and since everyone of them has unique skills makes sure that the game has a super fun teambuilder aspect to it.
Soundtrack: Well, here we go for the thing that makes me think this game was made for me. Having a soundtrack based on hard rock ? Really Atlus? i can´t love you more than i already do. Every. Song. Is. Amazing. All of them go so well with the theme of the game and makes you jam in every possible situation, while also helping creating a perfect ambiance to the game. The only thing that they fucked up in overclocked compared to the original was switching the main theme song and even the new one is good enough. My favorite tracks would be:
"Sunset" is the theme that plays at the end of everyday, and my god, the melancholic theme fits perfectly. "Garuda" is also one banger that plays in the final boss which fits also perfectly since its intense but also super fast.
"Reset Vocal" that, sadly, isn´t in this game (just the instrumental) but god damn its fucking amazing as a intro.
"Confusion" playing in the battlefield for the final boss of the 8th day in Amane or Naoyas route, and fucking god i was feeling so god damn well listening to these on my first time beating Naoyas route. ITS SO SATISFYING.
Replay Value: After all that said, you can probably guess that these game has an immense replay value for a lot a reasons:
1º - In 1 playthough of these game, you wont be able to see all the story of all the characters due to the time limit given in everyday.
2º - Every route is worth exploring since all of them have different points of view, but also, you can also explore the reactions of different characters according to the path you choose.
3º - The gameplay is so versatile that you will always find different ways to play the game with different demons.
Finally, its over, my god was it long. Well, this shit was not worth it and i regret the amount of time i´ve spent on these, but well, these are the reasons why i love these game so much and why you should play it.
If you read all of these, im sorry little one and i hope you live a happy life.

terrible gameplay with an alright story. the soundtrack carries most of the game while it's simply a classic love story with a good twist at the end. most enjoyable part of the game is the end.

Everyone says to skip this one and play the remake instead, but I tend to enjoy old games, it can't be that bad, right? Well, tried it out and seems like I was wrong, the game is really lame, where do I even start?

Story: I don't really have an opinion on it, they just throw you at the first map with pirates attacking and you go along. It's very basic but not really a big problem.

Graphics: Game looks ok overall, but those portraits... They couldn't have made it uglier.

Music: The soundtrack is mostly earrape, pretty annoying. At least the near victory theme is cool.

Gameplay: Now THIS is the bad part. First of all, you don't have a visual information of movement range. You need to know the units range and count each tile to know how far an unit can move. Or you can just keep moving the cursor until you can't move it anymore, but that won't work with the enemies.
The AI is really dumb, they always attack Marth for some reason but he's so strong it's hard for him to die.
Villages, only Marth can visit them. This seems like a dumb nitpick but it's really annoying. Normally you would send a mounted unit to rescue the villages but here you have to slowly reach it with Marth, with lots of fights in between. Pray for the enemies to not destroy the village while you're at it.
Money management straight up doesn't exist, you basically get money every chapter, lots of it. And everything is so cheap you'll never end up with money problems.
Inventory management is also pretty annoying. You can't trade items between units, what you have to do is go to the supply (which costs 10 gold for each item but as I said before you're always rich in this game), store the item and then grab the item with another unit, which slow downs the gameplay.
Talking about slow, this game is VERY slow. The units walk slowly and even if you turn off combat animations it still feels so long. Be sure to use the fast forward button if you're playing on an emulator.

Overall not worth playing, you'll probably have a better time with Mystery of the Emblem or Shadow Dragon DS.

Haha SMT If..., more like If... it was good. This SMT entry was made in less than 6 months and it definitely shows. I’ll start by focusing on the two worst dungeons in the game (World of Sloth and World of Envy) to give a good idea of how bad this game is.

World of Sloth: Oh boy... the main gimmick of this dungeon is walking around in circles and each full moon cycle students dig one block deeper, with the ultimate goal to get to the buried ring. How long does this take? Well it took me like 5 hours even on turbo mode..... yeah.... it’s really really bad...

World of Envy: Can’t get worse than World of Sloth right? Wrong! This dungeon has you running around completely blind with the screen being completely covered in blue... Just use your map right? Wrong! You also lose access to your COMP so that means no map... Sure you can use mapper skill but it isn’t useful at all especially when you get to the last area which has you walking between two areas with identical layouts so you never know which you are in (or the fact that there are two). I had to look up a video guide to get past this dungeon and even then it was hard to follow because I couldn’t tell which area they were in and it is hard to follow a video when the screen is blank.

Gameplay wise it is like classic SMT with the guardian system as a twist. Guardians, which would later go on to inspire personas, are given to the player and their companion after a bar is filled up (or isn’t) once they die. Unfortunately, this means if you die before your bar is filled up to a certain amount then your guardian is downgraded along with your stats. This adds extra tedium to an already tedious and grindy game. Save points are also extremely rare (only appearing once in every other dungeon) so don’t expect reloading your save if you get a bad guardian to be a good strategy unless you’re prepared to lose a lot of progress.

Now onto story! Expecting a good story? Too bad! This was a rushed game developed in less than 6 months and reuses all of smt 1&2s assets including its music so did you really think they’d have the time to add a story? The beginning of the game starts off with the protagonist’s school being transported into the expanse by Ideo Hazama, the main antagonist of the “story”. You, the protagonist, and one of the three companions that you choose to determine the story’s route and go into the expanse collecting rings in order to escape. Do note that Charlie’s and Yumi’s routes are just incomplete versions of Reiko’s so if you want the full story make sure to choose Reiko (you’ll have to look up a guide on how to get her it is complicated). After leaving the school building the story comes to a halt until the ending of the game. The main “plot points” during the story consists of Hazama occasionally poping up to say something and the comic relief minor antagonist, the science teacher Otsuki, coming to fight you. Other than that it is pure dungeon crawling with no dialogue outside of bland npcs (not even your partner speaks majority of the game!!). After completing the game you get access to the second campaign through Akira’s route. I only played a couple hours of Akira’s route before dropping it so I can’t comment on it but from what I played it is slightly better than the main routes (which is a very very very low bar).

All in all, I do not recommend playing this game even for sport. If you want to play a terrible megaten game to put yourself through torture (which is weird, why would you want to do that???) there are worse megaten games than this such as last bible special and megami tensei 1.

best game ever omg literally no flaws

would be 5 if the pitfall chapter didn't exist

i cant remember anything about the story