It's a slog, but with some golden moments sprinkled in-between


This game puts me to sleep. And I mean that in the best way possible. It's a very relaxing adventure that inevitably causes me to drift into the world of dreams.

All you do is take pictures and talk to wacky characters. All this game asks from you is to be curious and present, which is a nice break from the adrenaline-fueled action games I'm used to that require you to be fast, precise, and brave.

I wouldn't brand myself as the "cozy gamer," but I was genuinely disappointed when I finished it. Now I need to find another game to act as my sleep aid.

It's a pretty unique spin on the metroidvania genre.

Unfortunately, it's plagued by some of the worst boss fights I've had the misfortune of experiencing. The bird pope was especially bad, but the crab made me outright quit the game.

I don't care for the furry character designs; they could have been human and it wouldn't have changed the story. I didn't really care for the story either. It's gritty and gory, which I like, but there's no substance to it. Even if the ending is good, I'll never see it as the game never gave me a reason to stick around that for that long.

The music was nice, but there's very little variety. I spent so much time listening to the same "sad girl" tracks on repeat that at some point, I had to put on a podcast to replace the music to keep me from losing my mind.

I should have quit this game 2 hours in. I suffered through it for 10 hours. I wanted to finish it, but I'm done. The unskippable 9-minute cutscene of a boat slowly going from right to left was... yeah. I have no words. What were they thinking? This game is soft torture.

It also doesn't run at 60 fps on the Steam deck; it barely reaches 45.

It gets really good after the second duck spawns

An incredibly visceral cinematic experience slightly brought down by its mediocre gameplay. The story is quite simple, but it's told in a masterful way. I'll be thinking about this game for a few days at least.

I enjoyed it. Story telling was good, but gameplay was very lacking at times. Some puzzles were so cryptic I don't think I could have solved them without resorting to guides or bashing my head against a wall for hours.

Even for a 20 year old game, it did so many things that surprised me. I tried to spend as much time with low sanity as possible, but it seems really easy to replenish it anyway. I wish there wasn't as much backtracking at times.

Riveting. Really shows the full potential of video games as an art medium

This game has an unfathomable amount of swag. Unfortunately, it's not very good for new players. The campaign is a bit too difficult for someone who hasn't played a Red Alert game before (I played a lot of C&C Generals in my childhood though). The camera controls bother me the most. I prefer to pan with the middle mouse button, but I don't see a way to change that in the game settings. I did one skirmish match and I had fun, but I wish I liked it more, honestly.

This game is an absolute blast if you have friends. All of its gameplay elements, specifically untoggleable friendly fire + the quantity of respawns that your team gets, work so well together to create an experience where failure is fun and succeeding feels rewarding. Enemy variety is great; I find myself constantly surprised by new enemy types when I'm fighting both bugs and automatons, and sometimes I have to switch up my strategy on the fly.

I could keep gushing, honestly. I'm taking half a star off for now because of numerous server issues I've encountered, and the lack of the in-game currency that I purchased last night. I made a support ticket. If that gets addressed and I get my currency, this will be back to 5 stars. I'm sure the server issues will be ironed out in time.

UPDATE: my issue with missing super credits has been resolved, and servers keep getting more stable with each day. Thus, I'm bumping the rating up to 5.

I was enjoying it, honestly. Until I rain into the samurai on the bridge (if you played the game, you'll know). It feels like no matter what I do, I lose. It's a shame because I was enjoying the settings and the artstyle a lot, but this one roadblock ruined the entire game for me. I won't be coming back. EDIT: I gave it another faithful shot, but I still can't get past this part. Sadly, this is a major frustration point for me, and I won't be coming back.

I technically completed it, but it's a roguelike to you're supposed to do multiple playthroughs. Regardless, I'm done. This is one of the most annoying and shallowest games I've ever played. It tries too hard to be deep, but in the end, it doesn't matter. The world building means nothing to me, and the gameplay frustrates me. At the very least, you should be able to change your FOV if you're playing in PC. But the game has issues that go beyond that. EDIT: I played this game for another hour, and the writing is just borderline stupid. The game thinks I'm a revolutionary American teenager, and it seems to really want to cater to that. I quit the game a second time when the game forced me to have a meaningful conversation with Alex while he kept calling me homeslice. Genuinely the least likeable NPC I've ever met.


Meh. The visuals are nice, but the gameplay doesn't engage me. I might pick it back up if I run out of things to play in my backlog, but that will likely never happen. EDIT: Went back to it after playing 2 absolute stinkers in my backlog. This is definitely a better game than those two. But honestly, the thought of coming back to it another time doesn't excite me.

It really is a short hike; beat it in about an hour. Very cozy vibes, movement feels nice, but it didn't blow me away.