If you play any other style than floaty on hard mode you're actually insane.
I like bouncing on the frog :D

I chop wood I chop wood I chop wood I chop wood I am beaver I eat wood I eat wood I-

The music alone carries this game. Full poison build is my go-to. Play Robot if you want to have fun.

Super fun with lots of friends! No mercy to loot bugs.

Very cool 2D boss rush type game with amazing aesthetics.
Only downside is that all my friends who I played this game with ended up rage quitting D:

"omg I HATE Dust 2!! SO GENERIC!! If you like Dust 2 you're DISGUSTING"

Subway surfers lookin kinda cute

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Only beat this game once after 100+ hrs. Probably the most difficult rogue like besides a select few. All my homies use skull stick only. Also take every mojo juice and potion you find, no balls.

Finally achieved Dead God. With 1,042 hours. If I have to fight Dogma one more time imma cry.

They added infinite replayability! Cool!

100% completion! Surely I won't have to grind more runs, surely...

I like the mom! She's so cool!
Arguably one of the most replay-able rogue likes of all time.

Can't rank it higher than this due to fps issues. Tried to 100% the game, realized that the framerate cap and dps based luck only gets you so far. Gave up with 50% achievements :(

I got into Balatro,
Then I got into Poker,
Then I lost all my money,
Then I went back to Balatro :D