Since I played quite a number of games this year, and I don't really see myself adding more due to priorities, I figured I'd do what I did last year and make a list about it. Unlike last time, though, it'll just be one, decently sized list of 10 different games making up 10 different categories that I made up!


So, look. I know this has revitalized and rekindled many an RPG gamer's faith in the genre, and even just in general amongst the casual audience. I know this cemented Larian Studio's good faith and pedigree, especially since this was able to beat out TWO Nintendo titles, RE4's remake, Alan Wake 2, AND Spider-Man 2 for GOTY. I Trust Their Plan, believe me.

....but shit, can't I be excused for wanting to play Divine Divinity first? Or Divinity 2? Or Baldur's Gate 1&2 especially? Despite the fact I haven't even done so yet? And also the fact I know 2024's gonna give us the Definitive Edition repackage? Please???

RUNNER UPS: Yea, we're doing multiple here. Year was PACKED of good shit, and I hate to leave some out, even in this format. In fact, there's so many, I had to make an entirely separate list of stuff I've little to nothing about from other folks!

Much like with year-origin releases, 2023 had a BUNCH of fan translations released, some of which were on my and others' long-running wishes! I'm picking BnN2 for this one, since I know it was one of the biggest asks of the site, and it's also the one many are likely to jump on ASAP.

RUNNER UPS: Like I said, there were numerous fanTLs of various stuff. Ones I'm super interested in are Baroque - which got not one, but TWO TLs for the PS1 and Saturn respectively! - Ecsaform, Fate/Extra CCC, Far East Of Eden Ziria, and Rent-A-Hero No. 1!

So, right around the time Mushihimesama knocked my socks off, I decided to dabble with other STG titles, mainly from CAVE or those under the Toaplan Tree. Ketsui was one the next things on the list, and... I haven't stopped thinking about it since. Like, SERIOUSLY, haven't stopped thinking about it. Like we're talkin "I've played Scaffold once a day for several months now and had this fanart as my PC's wallpaper for a good while" levels. This is the strongest case of gaming as an artform I've encountered in a while, and I'm genuinely unsure if I'll ever be skilled enough to talk about why it's so masterful. I understand throwing one towards the deep end is a bad way to get into the genre, but I still implore you to check it out at some point - this one's seriously special.

RUNNER UP: Mushihimesama. I was already kinda flirting w/ STGs before, this just cemented my fixation for the genre.

I'm actually kind of stunned this ended up becoming one of the longest, most thorough piece I've written for this site thus far, especially since, much like with KOTOR1, my research side was a bit barer here than how it usually is (like, I fell into the "only look through Wikipedia and fan wiki's cited links" high school method more often than I should've here considering the Everything. At least I learned about Ethnomethodology!). KOTOR2's likely a game that'll get dissected and analyzed for years to come, but I'd like to think I did a good job throwing my hat onto the ring.

RUNNER UP: Halo 3. Keep believing.

Already think this notion should've died by the time late 2010s hit, but the fact I keep seeing this regurgitated is nauseating, and is one of a few, other wack-ass mantras that gives me the vibe of one being more interested in scoffs than critiques. Wipeout 3's already a great racer for several different reasons - it edges its way onto becoming one of the very best because the people at Psygnosis' Leeds Studio, Designer Republic, and more realized they'd have to Go Big or Go Home when it came to the audiovisual experience. If you want to read more about the audio aspect being intermixed with the play aspect, I highly recommend reading James Millea's Journal Of Sound And Music In Games' entry about it from the UC Press website!

RUNNER UP: Viewtiful Joe. When the fuck is Capcom gonna unleash this beauty back onto the market? It's time, damn it!

I'll still heckle its flaws, and I'll still act like an elitist SOB to anyone daring enough to say "this is the only good Classicvania", but I've come away a bit more positive regarding Super Castlevania IV than I was all those years ago. Maybe all I needed was time away from all those YTers acting like this was the second coming of Christ to them...

RUNNER UP: Actually, there isn't really one that'd fit here. Little Goody Two Shoes would be the closest, since the marketing really gave me the wrong picture, and people I trust on here have sung nothing but praises!

I've gotten a bit of a sickness playing this. Not like, the literal kind, I mean the kind where your brain starts to think nothing but it and its ilk. I get why there is an entire community dedicated to dungeon crawlers now, cause holy damn this is That Good Shit. Last time I played I was nearly done w/ Second Stratum, so still a fair bit left, but hopin the story and all the things I know and/or theorized pay off majorly.

Oh, and btw, ignore people who tell you to play the Untold remake over this. Completely different vibe and the QoL here is just as good enough to play over the DS original.

RUNNER UP: There's been a couple different games I started then just stopped playing this year, so I can't really recall all of them. That being said, I really REALLY liked what I played of Battle Garegga so far!

The burns and disappointment of TRA are still fresh, unfortunately. A lot of my thoughts established in my (exhaustive) review are largely the same, so I'll link to that here, but this really just serves as my reminder that if a remake was ever going to be a reimagining, I'd prefer if the devs opted to go all-in on the idea and merely keep thematical and/or tonal crux of the original, not this halfway nonsense. This now where I alienate people and say this is one of the reasons I like FF7R so far!

RUNNER UP: Dragon Age 2. Easily one of my go-to examples of a game constantly at odds of itself both internally and externally.

So, I have a bit of a memory problem (probably the ADHD portion of my brain), but I'd like to say that it's still functional enough that I can remember things quite clearly, especially if they left an impression on me. Despite this, it seems like almost everything about Abzu has been expunged from my membranes! Now you could blame this on the usual January Earliness, but uh... I remember a majority of Tomb Raider's LAU trilogy events as well as stuff like Chu Chu Rocket, Viewtiful Joe, and Resident Evil Survivor which weren't too far off. Abzu's just that unmemorable unfortunately.

RUNNER UP: Mighty No. 9. It was so below average I kind of forgot I did it just to get it over with.

Acrobatics, fire fighting, arcade-style loops, all with some of the most ambitious quality ever made on the ill-fated Saturn, what more can you ask for?

RUNNER UP: Burnout Paradise. Still iffy on the open world but nothin beats cruisin down the city while Swervedriver's Duel blares out.


6 months ago

I played Abzu in October I think, and Ive also forgotten most of it so yeah, youre not alone lmao

6 months ago

I was playing SCIV off and on for a bit during my Castlevania refixation, it feels like another massively replayable experience to me and I keep thinking about making an actual review for it that's at least better than my old "the multi-directional whipping fuckin' slaps y'all" comment.

6 months ago

@LordDarias I don't want to keep ragging on Abzu since I know it has its fans, but for some reason it's just kind of easy for me to do so. Guess that's just my disappointment getting the better of me tho.

@Vee I think my positives on SCIV mainly extends to how it does things in the second half, cause that's when the "classic" in Classicvania comes in and does its coolness. Plus, I dunno, the Mode 7 functions still have that "Wow!" factor to me. Be interested to see what your full thoughts on it are like!

6 months ago

definitely support playing BG1-2 first, and at least giving divine divinity a try. DD is pretty cool but I've never got it running on modern os without an audio bug that makes the most shrill sfx I've ever heard drill thru the speakers at random intervals, but I'd recommend that too if you can avoid the hellsound

the longer you wait to play a larian game the better it'll be, guaranteed

6 months ago

@curse I did get it working a few times on a few different PCs and a laptop, but I do hope Larian does some sorta patch or w/e to make Divine and even Beyond Divinity more "immediately playable" on modern hardware. It's weird to think that that their most out-the-box titles pre-DOS1 are Divinity 2 and Dragon Commander, two titles you have to dig real deep into the RPG bubble to see discussions on.

Aw well, at least DD got me to experience the quirky lil beginning over and over. I dunno why, but I keep finding that bit charming: you just wake up suddenly after getting knocked out, and Joram's like "ay man glad to see you're awake, btw we have A Problem going on can you help us out please?" immediately after consciousness. It's charmingly straightforward ig to put it lmao.

6 months ago

yeah, it'd be nice if they were able to smooth things out a bit. funny that the games you need to explicitly search for or stumble into via some dusty retrospective are the ones that work best, but they're quite interesting games so it's a bit of a light blessing that at least they're so easy to jump into once you know they exist

always thought dd was very charming too. very quaint and earnest; matter of fact. beyond divinity's entire gimmick warded me off of having tried much of it, and I hear it's one of their buggiest games, but I do wonder if there's something more to it once you acclimate to its idiosyncrasies. eventually I'll have to buckle down and try to get both working so I can finally play through them properly but who knows when that'll ever happen

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