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This game is very unique among the horror landscape,among so many mascot horror games marketed and developed for kids,Little Nightmares stands out as being a rotten nightmare of all of our childhood fears,set in a world so desperate and spoiled that even our protagonist is corrupt and HUNGRY,I loved the atmosphere and art style of this game,the sound design especially was incredible,from the gargling sounds that the chefs make to the screams of the Lady,every item dropped,every door opened,sounds eerie as fuck,the puzzles were also really well thought and satisfying to solve,even if the unresponsive controls sometimes hindered that experience a little bit,there's one section in particular where you have to run through a table full of hungry guests then jump and hold onto a box,this section in particular was really fustrating because sometimes it felt like the monsters were grabbing me from thin air,and since the controls are kinda janky,changing the directions quickly was kinda hard,and then for some reason you CANNOT hold onto those bars if you're running,something that never occurs in the game prior or after this segment,overall really scary section don't get me wrong,but also so so infuriating.
I also really appreciate how the story is told and the bits of subtext and metaphors put throughout the game,really makes you invested into learning more about this world,and to start discussions and theories about the more ambiguos stuff,while also telling a well rounded,satisfying story by the end.
Overall,really fun,short experience that I think every fan of the horror genre should experience.

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Celeste has become one of my favourite works of art ever put out there,and I know that it's kind of egotistical to say this but it genuinely feels like it was made for me.

About one or two years ago I was at probably the lowest point in my life,it was right after the pandemic started,I was locked inside my home unable to see my friends and I saw people all around me start dying,my dog who I basically grew up with also died around this time,so yeah,things got really bad with my head,I startes cutting myself thinking I deserved to feel pain,smoking anything that I could find and sleeping all day long,most days for about 10 ish hours,with the increasing decline of my mental health I also became very selfish,angry,insensitive,just an all around asshole,I almost lost some of my closest friends and even got kicked out of my family's place(just for 1 day tho lol),by the end of the pandemic I was still very depressed,had constant panic and anxiety attacks,eas smoking more than ever and got close to attempting to kill myself 3 times,but I wanted to start to get better,I went to a therapist,who honestly wasn't really that helpful,but I was determined to become my best self again,and what actually helped me a lot of trying new things,especially listening to music and learning about it,learnung about the different types of genres and sub genres,all the terms used for certain things,I fell in love with it and it helped me a lot getting beter.

Nowadays I'm the happiest i've ever been in my life,I got a cat that makes me happy just by looking at her silly face,I have incredible friends who are always there for me,I finally know what I want to do with my future,which was something I sometimes thought I would never be able to even get the chance to do.I started working with myself,not against me,I stopped smoking and have a more normal(but still messed up) sleep routine.And still,I got something out of Celeste.

Madelaine at some point in the story says she wants ro destroy or leave her other half behind,trying her best to separate the paranoid,self-destructive,angry part of her away from herself,even though,again,she is PART of Madelaine,as someone who went through the shit I went through,and to an ectent what Madelaine went through,and actually got better,I knew that she shouldn't do this,she should work with herself,be able to control some of her egotistical and paranoid feelings,but never leave them behind,they're what make her a human being,every flaw and every quality.

By the time the game is over and with the doppelgangers's help we climb up on Celeste Mountain,they have a talk with eachother and at some point the doppelganger says "so,what now" and Madelaine's brief response is "let's just enjoy this for a bit".What do you do when you finally do what you wanted?When something that you were working on for lots of time is finally done,well maybe you just enjoy yourself a little bit,you can challenge yourself and do new things at another time,for now,you actually did something you really wanted,and deserve to appreciate that moment for just a second even,that's one of the things that Celeste thaught me,I'm still working on myself,and I always will be working on myself,I don't know myself fully and don't always make the right call,but that's just how life goes right?Trying new things,making mistakes,achieving things,making new friends,losing things.Life is a constant climb,literally,you never stop working on yourself and on your own mind,but you can still be happy,it CAN get better,if you really want it to.

I've gone all this way into rambling about the story of this game and haven't even mentioned any gameplay element like how the pixel artstyle is incredibly pretty and charming,how great and fluid the platforming feels like,how challenging but rewarding finishing every screen feels,how the soundtrack is one of the key elements in making the more emotional scenes tic,and even aside from that,just making playing through each level less frustrating as sometimes you will spend a lot of time in each stage.

This has probably become mt favourite game ever made,as well as one of my favourite works of art ever created,and I think anyone can take something away from it,maybe it's the gameplay alone,maybe it's a new life lesson,I don't know,make this game YOURS,this is above everything else your experience,so enjoy it.

This is really fun,there are some issues I have that stop it from being as good as it could be,but let's go over the positives first.

The voice acting is really good and helps in making us feel a lot more immersed in this dirty world,the family especially sound just like the original actors from the movie,and that's another thing,this game captures the magic of texas chain saw so icredibly well,from references like the kill that starts the match being a nod to the movie to the amazingly faithful recreation of the settings,all covered in this dense sun light and muddy atmosphere,now,like I said,there are some issues,the camera is very shakey and made me kinda dizzy sometimes,especially while playing family,the game is also very uninviting to begginers,there is so much shit to keep track of I honestly got very lost in the beggining,something that doesn't really help with this is the fact that the tutorials kinda leave a lot of the game off,but once you get the hang of it(and watch some youtube videos),it's really fun,playing family especially makes you feel very powerful with every hit on victims feeling strong and heavy,and the feeling of hopelesness this game creates while playing as victim is also really great,overall this is a really fun one,managing to capture the atmosphere and feel of this giant of horror,even if I don't see the longevity of this in the grand scheme of things,so have fun with it while it lasts!