In 2022, this was a 7/10.
In 2024, this is a 4/10.
They took a year and a half to come back with a worse game. I can't even comprehend the reasoning behind the changes they made.

I want to love this game more than I do, but it just isn't as good as it could be. I love the music, I love the concept, I love the gameplay. However, this feels like a rushed project. The story is my favorite part, but as I played, it felt like these characters were never going to be fleshed out. It doesn't feel like the choice between the two Catherines is much of a challenge at all, because you spend a significantly larger amount of time with one of them more than the other. And associating one Catherine with "good" decisions and the other with "bad" decisions is a weird way to make the player figure out which one Vincent should end up with. And as much as I love the tower mechanics for the puzzles, it feels like the difficulty spikes are completely random, and after spending half an hour on a floor, you'll just end up watching a walkthrough on Youtube. I really love parts of this game, but it became an increasingly frustrating experience the longer I played it.

It’s a shame just how disappointing this game is. It has gorgeous visuals, a fantastic soundtrack, and a great concept behind it. But this game is just sloppy and unfinished. It’s a slow and unresponsive fighting game that was broken on launch and can’t retain a player count. The story was uninteresting and poorly written. I just can’t see myself coming back to this game ever again. It can’t compete at all with street fighter 6 and Tekken 8.

This is not only a worse port of each of these games, it flat out doesn’t work. In MGS1 when you want to switch controller ports, the menu takes 15 minutes to load. I’m not even shitting you. This is such an insulting and greedy collection. Don’t buy it and don’t support Konami.

For as clunky and corny as it is, I was having a fun time with this game. Until the new metal gear collection completely broke on me. It’s a damn shame Konami’s greed kept me from having a good first experience with this game. I hope I get to finish it some day.

I always thought this game was overrated, but it's honestly great. I guess it's the cool thing to do nowadays to hate on this game due to its massive popularity in the late 90's and its resurgence among gaming Youtubers in the early 2010's, but there are some phenomenal design choices in the levels and music of this game. There are certainly moments where it is unfair, and the controls can be questionable until you get used to them in a dual stick format, but I overall enjoyed it quite a bit and better understand its cultural and gaming impact on shooters.

Probably the most invested I’ve ever been in a fighting game. It’s the best street fighter game since third strike and has amazing mechanics with a high skill ceiling. The only thing holding this game back is it’s lackluster “world tour” mode, and some bullshit micro transaction designs from Capcom.


A near perfect game until the final boss fight.

lets player voice
“How could they even release this? Didn’t they learn anything from Sonic ‘06? This game is a bunch of poopy dick ass wrapped in a shitty butt diaper!”
Anyway yeah this game blows

This was my first ps3 game, and I played the absolute shit out of it.

I have no idea why, but my brothers and friends all played this game so much. It was our GTA.

I had this on PSP but it didn't give me that option. Anyways this game rocks

This was my first pokemon game and it's still one of the best.

Idk how they made guitar hero work on a DS but they fucking did it.