484 Reviews liked by BorealPaella

i like fighting a giant plant and the moon god

I'm really sad to have this game at such a low score, because I so desperately want to love it but I've got really confused about how to do things and it felt so much like minecraft it honestly made me want to quit and play Minecraft instead...
The music and graphics are amazing, I absolutely adore how sweet and cosy it looks, but the game really isn't for me and I absolutely do not want to seem like an idiot having to look up a guide to use the inventory properly (there's no tutorial at all really), so yeah. One day I'll get into it properly and have the time of my life, but for now, no cigar....

Meh game that has a boring plot and boring gameplay while still retaining some charm nevertheless, unfortunately not enough for me to continue playing it. It having one of the best soundtracks in gaming wasn't enough to stop me from dropping it even 30 hours in (pushing myself through it all) either.

i can not believe you have to wait actual weeks for buildings to upgrade

it's fucking insane to me that this super high stakes game with permadeath is one of the most luck-based and rng dependent games ive ever played
narrators pretty cool tho

Neverending nihilism that fails to elicit any sort of emotional reaction, in other words ; hardcore without the edge.

i have tried to finish darkest dungeon many times. it usually goes like this: i reinstall the game, play for a few days, and then delete my save and uninstall. i've gotten pretty far some of these times, but it always ends the same way.

as a game using its mechanics to make a point, darkest dungeon is fantastic. as an actual game though, it's not as good, as you are subjected to constant unbalanced rng, such as the fact that getting hit by one critical hit can kill your entire 30min+ venture into a dungeon, but landing one critical hit yourself basically means nothing in the long term.

the worst part about this is that there are no real stakes. a critical party member being killed doesn't result in interesting decisions being made, it simply means that you'll need to do 5 more hours of grinding to get someone else to the level where they can replace the fallen character. the intended way of playing is to slog through the game, upgrading your more powerful characters when possible, and treating lower level characters as disposable workers.

the best aspect of the game is its economy, and how it essentially pushes you to become a heartless capitalist, exploiting the free labor you are afforded each cycle by the game. and while the combat is flashy, weighty and fun, it doesn't do enough to sustain itself for the length of the game, or to make me feel like it's worth finishing

Utterly incredible aesthetic holding up a shaky, rng-based, mess of a game.

Solid turn-based combat, but the rest of the game feels like an eternal procedurally-generated RnG grind. Characters come and go, there doesn't seem to be much of a story, so they have little in terms of personalities and you don't grow attached to them.

The atmosphere of dread is also not very compelling. Instead of writing good horror fiction, they just call things scary, which doesn't make them scary at all. The writing (as little of it as there is) in this game is pretty basic, and feels completely unnecessary.

It is addictive for a while, until you realize that you've basically been rolling dice the entire time.

I don't have time for this. If you do, good for you!

I love everything about this game apart from actually playing it.

I'll say it...Angry Birds Epic is better

This game's probably super cool if you're smart but i have like 20 brain cells and half of them are dedicated to knowing way too much about music so i cannot play this game without immediately fucking myself so it's not very fun to me. Great art style tho

I really enjoy the tone and loop of this game, but it's just a smidge too punishing for my patience.