What a fantastic entry in the series. Smash just fits well on handheld, and playing it for the first time was such as surreal but happy experience. Just playing against CPUs over and over again satisfied my wants. The single player offerings are far greater compared to WIIU as well, ESPECIALLY Smash Run

Kick ass racer that doesn't get nearly enough love as it deserves. Totally deserves a modern day remake

Pretty rough first entry into the series. Nathan and the cast is great but the boring locale, poor puzzles, and clunky controls greatly hurt the overall experience

A massive improvement over the last game. Greatly ups the scale in almost every category and delivers tremendously. Combat hasn’t aged greatly but it’s just such a fun adventure

Don’t know why, but I like this one a tiny bit over 2. Not as large of an innovation but it continues keeping the formula fresh on the 3rd go, with much better refined gunplay and melee combat

My favorite one in the series, but has the highest highs/lows excluding 1. The revamped combat system genuinely feels perfect and amazing to control; I loved the heavier focus on narrative and it’s a beautiful game. Strongly disliked the car/boat sections though, there’s too much downtime in between combat sections, and the game runs horrendously on base PS4. Double edged sword but still a fantastic game

In many ways I feel it improves upon the last title, with better pacing and mix of combat/traversal, and in others not as much. Both narrative and gameplay wise I had a fun time, and it’s physical proof the show can go on without Nathan.

The Last of Us deserves all of the praise it gets. It’s a masterpiece of a narrative adventure; it captures characters and emotion quite unlike any other video game. The gameplay/combat itself is quite average but it pairs very nicely with the stronger story focus. Classic of a game

A very nothing game, but can’t say I disliked it to be brutally honest. It offers some fun levels, and the worst it has to offer isn’t that bad. Forgettable but it’s whatever

The best game I have ever played. Perfectly masters the RPG genre and provides an experience filled with enough charm, heart, and style you’ll find no where else. A must play for everyone, even JRPG haters. Hard to articulate my love for it past that

10/10 but Royal is just a better P5

Spiderman feels like the creation of a love project made by fans, for fans. It understands the attachments and feelings a fan feels for a super hero, and perfectly replicates that in almost every facet. Whether that’s the impeccable combat, never ending satisfying combat, or down to earth and emotionally gripping narrative, the game understands the role that a super hero a legendary and lovable as Spiderman needs to be in, and does so with utter grace and flawlessness. Top 3 games I’ve ever played

Miles does a lot well in following up 2018. It further enhances the already fantastic combat, adds more unique style and charm to the character and New York, and refines the side content to a more digestible degree. And while It’s still an incredibly fun time, it barely leaves a lasting impact compared to 2018, always leaving it a step behind

Addicting for a good month, then it just kinda flops in comparison


Fast, fluid, and very fun spectacle of the FPS genre. It’s nice that its core gameplay loop is so strong though, because it’s lack in locale variety and terrible exploration mechanics greatly bring down the experience