Bring them back Sega

Man, this game needs a remake or some shite
or hell EA give the rights back to Dougie.

Just play Heritage to the Future instead

this is a very sleepy joe fighting game

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"Huge Keio Flying Squadron Fan Excited to Play It for First Time"

OK jokes aside, I did tried a bit of this game back in 2022 and then now in 2024 I decided to finally beat it and It was fun game. It was a massive improvement over the first game, It was very colorful, the writing was funny as hell and the new music is not that bad(Although there are some tracks reused for the first one but mostly new). Although there were a few things that did sadly got cut out like some bosses for the Tournament part and some cutscenes but thankfully they were persevered in a bonus disc that was included in the art book (Which is partially scanned by but you can find the cd online) and also a VHS Promo
Found here:

But aside from those nitpicks, I do find myself playing this one more often along side with the first one, and the fact you unlock extra content if you do good or bad in the game which is funny as hell.
Overall a good game
but is it worth $380?
God No!
unless your name is Osmosis Jon Garfunkel.

Now where's that damn Keio 3 Rami chan Gaiden translation?

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Better than the Mcdonalds game and massive improvement and another hood classic but fuck that Eyebrow fucker boss in the 8th level.

McDonald's is the place to rock
It is a restaurant where they buy food to eat
It is a good place to listen to the music
People flock here to get down to the rock music
Rock 'n' Roll McDonald's
Rock 'n' Roll McDonald's
Rock 'n' Roll McDonald's
Rock 'n' Roll McDonald's
McDonald's will make you fat
They serve Big Macs
They serve Quarter-Pounders
They will put pounds on you
Rock 'n' Roll McDonald's
Rock 'n' Roll McDonald's
Rock 'n' Roll McDonald's
Rock 'n' Roll McDonald's
McDonald's hamburgers are the worst
They are worse than Burger King
A Big Mac has twenty-six grams of fat
A Quarter-Pounder has twenty-eight grams of fat
Rock 'n' Roll McDonald's
Rock 'n' Roll McDonald's
Rock 'n' Roll McDonald's
Rock 'n' Roll McDonald's
Rock on London
Rock on Chicago
Wheaties, breakfast of champions

Which game itself it's alright for Treasure's second game

Capcom please! bring this game back! Please!!

It's fine
but It got better

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After the sleep fest that was Alex Kiddy shit

I decided to play a good game on the Genesis and it's one made by Treasure.
It's a really good as hell run and gun game and a hood classic for the Genesis that isn't just Sonic or Streets of Rage, the only thing that was kinda shit was the ending. But overall definitely a worthwhile game, and I hope to play it again with 2 player and get around to play more of Treasure's other games on the Genesis and beyond. (So far I played this, Rakugaki Showtime, a bit of Guardian Heroes and most importantly WARIO WOOOOOOOOOOOOORLD)

Probably play it again but with more friends