I vaguely remember playing this as a kid and my Digimon suddenly evolved into sentient poop. Good times.

This thing here was my childhood for over a decade, learned every nook and cranny of it as time went on.

Okay, hear me out!
I like the turn-based mechanics of X-2 and the character designs.

After the second and the third game, SEGA decided to go back to the series' roots in the first game, which many of the fans loved.
Mechanically it's a direct improvement of the first game, especially with tanks and APCs being actually viable now and turning without AP cost.

The characters are fun and the story is good, but initially feels like it's using the exact same beats as the first game - that is, until the endgame hits.
Doesn't quite surpass the first game, but stands quite well on its own.
Localization could still use more polish though.


This is the bastardization of the Thief series and stealth games as a whole. Gameplay has been trivialized with lobotomized AI, the world's setting has been butchered by inexperienced writers and even the most iconic characters were not spared in this totally-not-a-remake.

I shall hate this game until the end of days

I can't exactly put my finger on the exact reason why, but to me this game feels like a spiritual successor of Planescape;Torment that manages to make a respectable effort with what it wants to do.

Fun with friends, but competes with Paradox Games on being DLC hell

The strongest game in the trilogy. It knew what it wanted to be and pulled it off very well. Lacks some variety in enemies, but the parkour is the major attraction.

You have no idea how much I struggled to play through this thing with my relatives, because we didn't have a memory card

Gameplay is extremely clunky, with way too much backtracking, repetitive combat, lack of character model variety, but somehow still has some charm in its delivery due to the effort the devs put to make this game happen.
The writing is, in my opinion, fitting to the setting when looking at the books and has a lot of strong points for staying true to it in spirit.

Can't really recommend playing it, though.

I only play it to read the plot I swear

This game was my playground for years and formed my standard for TES series. Ironically, I haven't even played Oblivion or Skyrim so I can be safely labeled a prude with rose-tintent goggles.

The game is deceptively complex with its mechanics that it usually puts off new players. Not to mention how heavily it's made to go against the player. But once you get the hang of the ways the game keeps you down, you start dominating it.

I will never not hear "Little Peggy" in my head with anything but a heavy, greasy southern accent.

It it far from a perfect VN, but I absolutely love it for it's over-the-top cheesiness. Holds a place near my heart for the effort despite the flaws.