8 reviews liked by Broccolihead

If this game was a person I'd beat the shit out of it.

I didn't get the achievement for looking at 2B ass so I can say with confidence that I'm a feminist ally

The game that dared to ask if Slaves were as bad as their owners

i pirated this game when i was 16 and i've felt bad ever since

projared gave it a 4 out of 10 but he cheated on his wife

the video game equivalent of asking you to spell "icup" out loud

im generally weary of the whole meta, self-aware, genre-riffing shtick these days but this is the absolute kindest, most gentle way someone could have the epiphany 'the series i have been working on is legitimately insane and has a target demographic of the most unwell people on the internet' and the MBTI/carrd.co/ao3/(insert niche subculture here) teens all interpreted it in bad faith. imagine going 'so no head?' to a work that fundamentally thinks well of you despite it all

if it weren't for the ending of this game, prolly 4/5. The fact that this game has 2.5 false endings back to back to back drove me up the wall and exacerbated issues i already had with the game and writing.