How is this game still getting more advanced

Great game that is sadly overrun by bots on valve servers. Just have to find some community servers and you'll have a great time! Not much more from devs anymore, but 12 mercenaries doing the conga in a corner will never not be fun.

Base game and first expansion free for a month? There's no way you can get through all of that in a month. When it comes to MMORPG's, this is the best around. Great story (after you get to the first expansion sadly), and very friendly community! It's an MMO, you should know what the gameplay is like going into it.

Metroidvania/Hack n slash game that's great! Story's good and gameplay is so good. Have fun getting as high of a combo as you can.

Great game, hard for new players to get into. If you joined during or before it's hay day, then it's great! Nowadays it's... ok. Matchmaking sucks, but there are plenty of others servers for serious players at least.

Game's fun to casually play every so often. Would not recommend trying to A rank every mission, and even doing all the bonus missions isn't for everyone, but it's still a fun game and has an amazing soundtrack.


My favorite game of the rogue-like genre. Every run feels different in gameplay and the how the story progresses is great for a rogue-like! Talking to all of the characters and getting to know them between each run is also a great addition.

Great 2d fighter, especially for getting newcomers. Lobby system sucks, but besides that the netcode is great and roman canceling is addictive.

I've played through this game so many times it's hard to count. Story is always good, loot system is always great, and end game is so chaotic it's fantastic.

Got close to 100%'ing it. Very fun gameplay loop that unlocks more gameplay the further you get, and the expansions give even more! Repentance in particular is a great expansion for this game.

Fun game. Of course it's got it's bugs, but there's a lot to do and it's fairly fun to level up skills.

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It's fun for a while, but runs do feel kind of same-y. Final boss just kind of kills you in 1 or 2 hits no matter what. Pretty easy to dodge the attacks once you know what to do, but doesn't feel great first few times through. After you beat this boss, there isn't much else to do. Higher difficulties don't really change enough to make it engaging.

Fun battle royale. Definitely caters to furries lol, but who can be mad at cute animals. Weapons feel generally balanced and I haven't seen any other BR do top down as well as this one.