Great start for Cold Steel, it has it's few issues but builds erebonia up very well

Cowabunga... Cow-a-FUCKIN' PIECE OF DOGSHIT! This game is diarrhea coming out of my dick! This game is as appealing as a fuckin' ooze-infested dirty fuckin' sewer rat shit! I've had more fun playing with dog turds! Shredder's my ass and Splinter's my balls, this game is an inside-out asshole regurgitated putrid anal fecal matter! I'd rather fuckin' yank all the hairs out of my scrotum! I'd rather drink diarrhea vomited out of a buffalo's anus! It suckin' fucks, it fuckin' sucks, IT FUCKIN' BLOWS, IT'S A PIECE OF SHIT... and I don't like it.

Erebonia peaks again after Mid Steel II, new cast is fantastic, music however is ehhh

The curse is a terrible plot device

The characters that the series built up really saved it from being extremely mid

God tier, played it on every system I could, such a banger game


Great gameplay, but it feels lacking in the level department after one playthrough

It's Ys Oath, but not as good, still a fine game but it has a few issues

Had a lot of potential and they ruined it, still a fun game to go back to though

A great successor to Brawl but man DLC ruined this game with Bayonetta, especially for me who played competitively

So if you're not a fan of the words PEAK FICTION, GOAT, RAW, FIRE, click off of the video, because those are gonna come up like 50 times in here man. I can't help it, the weights are off, on some Rock Lee stuff, the weights are off. I