God tier, played it on every system I could, such a banger game

The curse is a terrible plot device

The characters that the series built up really saved it from being extremely mid

Erebonia peaks again after Mid Steel II, new cast is fantastic, music however is ehhh

Cowabunga... Cow-a-FUCKIN' PIECE OF DOGSHIT! This game is diarrhea coming out of my dick! This game is as appealing as a fuckin' ooze-infested dirty fuckin' sewer rat shit! I've had more fun playing with dog turds! Shredder's my ass and Splinter's my balls, this game is an inside-out asshole regurgitated putrid anal fecal matter! I'd rather fuckin' yank all the hairs out of my scrotum! I'd rather drink diarrhea vomited out of a buffalo's anus! It suckin' fucks, it fuckin' sucks, IT FUCKIN' BLOWS, IT'S A PIECE OF SHIT... and I don't like it.

Great start for Cold Steel, it has it's few issues but builds erebonia up very well

It's good, but not the peak everyone makes it out to be
The finale is 1/3 of the entire game and it's complete garbage
the 2/3 of the game before that though is pretty strong

I love the SSS as well as the new members
All the returning ally characters are also peak

The villains and KeA though, absolute donkey cheeks, this game is the definition of low as fuck lows and high as fuck highs

The definition of a 7/10 game

This game is absolutely amazing, god tier cast, gameplay, music and story

Amazing sequel that made me a permanent fan of the series, great story, great combat and a top tier pay off from FC

Slow start but it's such a good start for the whole series and I still love it a lot

First souls game and it's the only one I thoroughly enjoyed

Best Sonic game in the last decade

Great game but a downgrade from Unleashed


Sonic Frontiers please be this peak

Banger game that never got old, this is a hidden gem that everyone should try out, it might be old but it's certainly not outdated