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CainTheBoss reviewed Mother 3
playing it on an iphone in 2015 and with the actual console in 2022, both times i cried, got angry, and felt happy to have played this. Story just keeps going and feels like an RPG adventure with something completely unique to say. There's so much personality contained in such a tiny GBA chip here... this game's OST has like 300 SONGS like DAWG THIS GAME IS 32 MB!!!!!!! Lucas is awesome, kumatora is swaggy, Duster can prolly hit the griddy like crazy, salsa is an OG, Lucas's dad even gets a banger chapter to open the game and the writing is good from the START. and by god the connections to earthbound are so cool, the final chapter of this game is just so, so, good. The adventure is well worth your time, but everyone on the internet has said this way before me, i'm a simple drop in the ocean of praises for Mother 3. I hope if you're reading this looking for a reason to play it, you find it...

Honestly if someone dislikes this I immedietly just fear they can't comprehend media, but most of the time it's because their ex liked it or somethin :shrug emoji:

2 days ago

CainTheBoss reviewed Lisa: The Painful
I hope I never forget this game. It's perfect. Beautiful. I wrote a long review of it on steam in 2019 after 100%-ing it years after beating it. I don't think i'll need to play it again. I don't even wanna tell anyone about this game other than it's an earthbound-like game in the opposite direction of what Undertale was, lol. The story in this is absolutely unbeatable, the gameplay is some of the most engaging in RPGmaker history, the writing is funny in an almost timeless way. The party members stick with you. The themes are disturbing and real. Oh I love it so much aaaaaaaaaaaa

2 days ago

CainTheBoss played Balatro
This is like, a slow cooked, thrice-reduced meal of a "deckbuilder" roguelike. Everything is simple yet complex. The amount of choice, randomness, ability to create overpowered builds, it's all here. This has everything I love in roguelikes, and it's just putting up cards and watching numbers go up! and finding ways to make the numbers higher! The joker system is great, and what defines building your deck for the most part, but every card in your actual deck can be upgraded, changed, or destroyed. There's tarot cards, planet cards, spectral cards all for providing potentially helpful effects to your cards and jokers. Balatro is madly addictive, geniusly designed, and blows most deckbuilding games outta the water. Also great for listening to music and podcasts...

12 days ago

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