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CainTheBoss played Toontown Rewritten
Designs for the cogs are genuinely amazing!
Horribly grindy but reminds me of childhood, i'd probably like replaying this a lot more if I wasn't so afraid of people :(

3 days ago

CainTheBoss earned the Loved badge

6 days ago

CainTheBoss played Blood: Fresh Supply
I'll finish this eventually but I know how this goes, issa good boomer shooter, I don't expect the 7/10 in my head to change, love the screams and dialog in this game, very campy.
Guns are fun to use, movement is (crisp??). But omg for some reason moving my camera on the Y axis makes me almost motion sick, bleh...

Ancient 3d cutscenes have so much soul it's not even funny

8 days ago

CainTheBoss reviewed Baldur's Gate 3
I originally wrote a review, praising this game and giving it a 10/10, but in just 30 more hours it waned so far down to about a 7/10, this game is legendary!!! The writing and amount of options are just stunning, everything is so immaculately done! And yet, at the center of it all, there's this rat poison of a battle system, in which starting at the normal difficulty, every fight in the first act felt like it might as well have been the final boss, lowering the difficulty 20 hours in did little to improve the sickly feeling I was getting every fight. At the easiest difficulty, Baldurs Gate forces me to watch my party die and spend turns reviving them multiple times, even at my most prepared, I had to set up cheese strategies to have a chance at winning most fights in the game, and even with those strategies, it'd take me 5-10 tries. Not to mention it seems like no matter what I did, hit % chances were always below 70 for ANYTHING RANGED, including all magic and arrows. It's absolutely infuriating to have a run of bad luck and have to redo an entire fight 30 minutes in. And yet, this game is still amazing!!!! I don't get it, however i do know that i still can't get into most CRPGS, even when probably the best one of all time is staring me in the face.

10 days ago

CainTheBoss reviewed Hades
A game where my own personality and flaws prevent me from enjoying it as much as I should. This is ultimately an amazing game, but like, there's so much about it that got overhyped by my friends and people online shilling it, that made me NOT want to like this game out of spite, and I STILL LOVED IT!!! The voice acting is better than most games i've played, the story it tells works perfect in roguelite format, and the abilities you can stack together on a run are super fun to combine and mess with to become overpowered (less so than other roguelikes i enjoy but that's fine). The story has an actual conclusive good ending that I enjoy, and the amount of dialog characters have, and the amount of depth just in the hub area is insane, this game is a work of art, but also am I annoyed about all of it for a reason I can't really articulate...
I kinda don't like the games artstyle minus the hard af game over screen. It's good tho dawg, worth your time for sure.

10 days ago

CainTheBoss completed Indigo Park
Shows promise in that it actually looks like an amusement park, chase sections felt generic but man there's like 2 good scares. Mogs FNAF SB??!?!?!?!?! (I havent played the SB DLC yet...)
I donated to the kickstarter, I love my mascot horror slop :)
Graphics and character design are standout features here, Rambley's VA is pretty good. This also had one of my favorite credits tropes, peep the game if you wanna see what im tryin not to spoil, its like an hour long and free dawg!

10 days ago

CainTheBoss reviewed Dark Souls III
An unorginal statement I agree with: "This is the greatest hits album of a Fromsoft game"
Dark Souls 3 lacks cohesion between levels that made DS1 so amazing, sprawling, and interesting. But replaces that with almost every boss being the most fun i've had with a Souls-like game. Gone for the most part are the gimmicky feeling fights from DS1 but also gone is the level design that made DS1 so menacing, this game feels like child's play sometimes seriously, my lack of struggle might've been from previous experience in the genre but I don't remember gettin beat up that much during the actual levels, the bosses are of course a different story. And those bosses are really where this game shines like crazy, I could just start naming em off but really this is just my reccomendation for you to play the game, know what I think are flaws and pros, ya dig? The DLC is also better than DS1's, Ringed City is nuts, so fr (it outshines half the main game honestly.) Oh the game is also beautiful, the graphics are so pretty, and the ending is rad too, this is absolutely worth playing.

13 days ago

CainTheBoss completed Picayune Dreams
Vampire Survivors for people that smell bad...

Picayune Dreams is a VS clone though, a good one, albeit missing some of my favorite features of the game it's ripping off, it manages to have the numbers going up, overpowered build, chaos on screen stuff I love so much. The game tells a vague story as you progress further and further through on the nose Yume Nikki feeling sections. Did I understand what was going on after beating the game? No. Did I enjoy what I could decipher from the cloudy details the game provides? Yeah! The music is pretty good too. Oh how could I forget the bosses definitely feel Touhou-like, which makes things enjoyable and difficult, even if your build is destroying, you gotta put effort into dodging bullets flyin atcha! Overall the game is a pretty unoriginal mash of a lot of good things. It's good, y'know.

14 days ago

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