Dicas e informações sobre a DLC// Tips and information about the DLC

Dicas e informações sobre a DLC//Tips and information about the DLC:


O maior problema desse jogo é NÃO TER O ÚLTIMO FILME DA TRILOGIA, chega a ser um pouco frustrante chegar no ápice da história e ficar sem conclusão porque não portaram a batalha dos cinco exércitos

Minha análise para quem sabe português:
Minha análise das DLCs:
Vídeo sobre A Lenda do Herói 2

In English:
The best Brazilian game I've ever played. The game has very funny stanzas and the gameplay is intuitive.
I agree with Mr. Wilson from the Colonia Contra Ataca channel: I've never seen a game that synchronizes the soundtrack so well with what's happening in the game.

Minha análise, para quem entende português:
The game is very good, the main characters have good chemistry and are charismatic. I got all the achievements, I didn't just get 5 stars in each mission and collect all the items and accessories, I considered it a waste of time.

The story mode is boring, but the Android 21 is an interesting character


The dialogs are a lot of fun and the miscellany contributes to them in a great way, the loading screen is creative and beautiful. But unfortunately, the weak point of the game is that the battle system is very cloying, it took me 2 months to play 20 hours to play the full game.
If it was an anime, I probably would have liked it better, the settings are beautiful and the story is good. Yu, Kay, and Oink are very charismatic.

Buying cars with custom decals was my addiction to this game.