this game cost me 10 dollars and if u factor in the amount of time ive played simply the base game thats a fucking deal if ive ever seen one. when you consider all the amazing mods this price should count as stealing

this mod is practically just an entirely new game and it is really good but GOD can it be frustrating sometimes; i think if you played on normal mode it would be fairly approachable but if u wanna get the full experience u need to play on expert revengeance mode and THAT. is fucking hard

this game is like if spelunky was made like 30 years ago , not a rogue like, and also it sucked ass

This game is really cool I didn't understand the story though.

this game is very fun to play with friends

some of yall belong here frfr

the graphics in this game arent very good tbh

This game is the perfect definition of "fun with friends."

ok i dont actually miss this game that much but i still wish it didnt die

when i was younger i had fun but now i realized i can just type in jetpack adn that beats 90% of levels

WARNING: Pedophiles are using this game to identify themselves. If you see anyone playing this game, BLOCK THEM IMMEDIATELY.

im not convinced my successes are at all related to my skill but i still like

i use this game in my online arguments when people ask me for proof of capitalism's successes