Unlike the other two that I played mostly for the experience I can definitely see myself playing more of this in the future I love this game so much. It feels like the definitive Darkstalkers experience plus any game with Lilith is a good game by default

I miss the era where games weren’t too ambitious or costly for their own good so you could get cool experiments like this with clear passion put into them. Finishing an opponent on round two for a “TARGET DESTROYED” is awesome

I can’t remember the last time I had this much fun playing a game. The music and art style blew me away but I had the game crash on cutscenes that were very important to the story and the combat / boss battles actually suck. Those things don’t ruin it for me though

As someone who grew up playing turtles in time with my dad with my dad it felt amazing to play this with my much younger brothers and pass down the tmnt beat ‘em up magic onto them

I genuinely love the souls series but sometimes I wish I could prevent it from gaining traction so we wouldn’t be plagued with these extremely bland soulless difficulty reliant games with absolutely none of the charm that series has

8/10. I had alot of fun playing this game and didn’t think I’d enjoy it at first. My only real problems were the third trial I think it sucked everything else was cool though

7.5/8 out of 10. Beautiful game with an amazing story and smooth gameplay and movement . Fighting enemy ACs is some of the most fun I’ve had in a videogame but I can’t say that for most of the bosses. The only interesting boss to me was the first one (balteus) funnily enough. Every other one was too easy or had the generic fromsoft screen sweep attack and roll/dodge bait swings at half health though this is a minor issue because there genuinely aren’t many I just didn’t enjoy them.

This is my second review of the game. My first one was written after only getting the fires of raven ending and this is being written after achieving the liberator and alea lacta est ending to document how my opinions changed.

From the lore , oppressive atmosphere and the character developments I feel that this game is a modern masterpiece. Armored core 6 features some of the smoothest and most entertaining combat I’ve ever played in a game. From soft doesn’t normally have their characters develop so heavily throughout the game but I was genuinely invested in seeing how rusty , ayre , Carla , Walter , and Iguazu develop throughout the game. I was initially intimidated by the thought of having to replay the game two times to see everything but after knowing where everything else I burned through in about 2 hours per play through plus with each ng+ cycle new content is added to spice things up. I still don’t enjoy the bosses but if fromsoft decided to make another with an even higher budget it would go down in history as a work of art

Not a very big fighting game player but I’ve been playing this with a buddy who’s around my skill level and experimenting with the huge roster Is so fun . I imagine you could throw this on at a get together and have a blast it’s definitely hype enough to work at a party

When I first watched the direct this was revealed in I laughed at it but after actually playing it I was on the edge of my seat. It’s fun and it’s how Nintendo is gauging interest in the series so I’m ok with this

Everybody has that one game people say is ass but they love it and this one is mine

Truly what a sequel should be . It continued the fast paced gameplay people claim tapered off in the later levels of sonic 1 and the skill ceiling for maintaining speed through alternate pathways is amazing . Special stages are cheeks though

Rarely ever do I see a sequel address every flaw people had with the original game. God bless McDonald’s for being the reason sega decided to create the lock on-technology compatibility for this . Doomsday zone goes harder than anything I’ve ever seen

This game is only worthwhile when the 4 precious classic games are a memory. I played this immediately after finishing them and it felt so tired and unoriginal

I don’t think this game is horrible I like the cute sprite work and animations you get when you speed past an opponent and take their place but the map selection isn’t unique and it’s way too punishing to try and recover once you drift into an out of the track obstacle. The most disappointing part is there not being a single memorable song in this entire soundtrack