Where to start, a week of playing this game and I was having a lot of fun. But the more I played the more it felt like a chore. The order was a nice concept but that got boring towards the end too. If it’s wasn’t for the fact I like Vikings i probably wouldn’t have completed it.

Was a bit disappointed with this game, some challenging parts and sometimes the game would do something completely different to what you imputed. Combat was fun and the story was interesting, I enjoyed my time with this game but was left a bit disappointed and felt tedious after.

The Finale. I enjoyed this one again (I’ve enjoyed them all tbf). Was a good story again with interesting choices, this one is based in a school and it’s you and loads of younger kids plus a few same age maybe older. Was fun and a good way to end what was an incredible video game series .

You play as Clementine again, someone who was a timid little girl and now is an absolute badass. Story was interesting and the characters you meet are good. Won’t be as good as the other 2 seasons but still a good play through.

Wasn’t a fan of this one, was a nice change but different to the other ones. Michonne is good protagonist to play as. Story was good but not as interesting as the previous seasons imo.

Again another good season of the walking dead game, not as good as the first one for me. You play as Clementine which is interesting but fun, again the story is interesting and was good fun.

Probably one of the best telltale games there is and this season is one of the best. You play as a guy called Lee who’s a great protagonist, who has to make tough decisions right or wrong. The story was really interesting and the characters are relatable. Shame the way it ended but a perfect season.

Bit of a let down this mafia was. First one to go open world and it wasn’t great, very repetitive and the mission choices were poor and the same. Lincoln Clay was a good protagonist but it was a poor game in the mafia series. Nice to see Vito again tho.

Really enjoyed this Mafia game too, you play as 2 new protagonists in Joe and Vito. The story is good and the missions are really fun too. Also get to see Tommy Angelo again which is good.

Really enjoyed mafia, was nice to get a revamp of the game with better graphics and it was really fun. Nice to see Tommy Angelo go from a taxi driver to a valuable member of the mafia. Shame how it ended but a really fun game.

Really enjoy the Diablo franchise, played most of them and this didn’t disappoint. Played as a Druid this time who could turn into a Werebear and it was fun and he was ruthless. The story was a good play through aswell, just an all round great game.

What a game, still underrated to this day imo. Was a brilliant game and an enjoyable play through, the story is interesting the combat is really fun and Wei Shen is great protagonist. Hopefully we get a sequel but I don’t think so which is a shame.

Bit of a funny and weird game, gets boring very quickly imo. A few good boss battles that make the game a little challenging but other than that it’s fairly straight forward.

Thoroughly enjoyed Ryse. Played it quite a few times now and completed it mostly every time. Graphics still do well to do this day, and the finishing moves are really good. Good story a shame it had to end. Only downside was the ending and the repetitiveness after a while.