I enjoyed this game a lot, and played it non-stop. However, it is not the best Mario Kart.

One of the best kart racers I've ever played. Great single player challenges, courses based on Sega's history, and much more. Some of the third party characters inclusion is admittedly very weird, but I find it goofy more than grating.

What a wonderful, introspective game.

The additional content is not that large, but the overall remake of the Kanto region is fun to playthrough (again). Easier to get back into than Emerald for me.

A good game, with some great Pokémon designs (like Absol!) but feels hard to go back to.

Another great Pokémon game. The biggest world to explore, great reimaginings of the Johto (and later Kanto) regions, and stuff to do for days. If I did not prefer Platinum slightly more, this would take its place.

My favorite Pokémon game, bar none. I know everyone complains that Gen 4 is slow, but I'll take that if it means I get to experience all the joy of playing through the Sinnoh region.

What a messy game. So many weird twists and turns, bad bosses like Raven, and despite all of that it still remains enjoyable. A ton of mechanics with little time fully realize all of them. It almost feels like the game has too much content and squanders it for spectacle. It is glorious spectacle, to be sure, but I would've preferred a more focus on gameplay than a hurried rush to end of the Metal Gear saga at the time. High highs, and low lows, but still worth playing.

I need to play this game again. It's been a while.

Not my favorite Gran Turismo game, but still enjoyable.

One of the best Gran Turismo games. Played it for hours on end. A joy to play.

I was only interested in multiplayer, and that didn't even hold me over. Most all of the maps except Dome were not fun to play, and only the DLC maps redeem it slightly.

An enjoyable platformer that I played numerous times.


Good, but I didn't feel the highs of Jak 1 or 2 in this game.

This is my favorite in the series, despite its rough edges. It has some areas that are balanced poorly, with death as a common partner on your journey. Despite this, I thoroughly enjoy this turn on the series.