Great, innovative take on the Zelda series, with some minor growing pains. I look forward to Nintendo's iteration on this game system.

One of my favorites from the Mario and Luigi series, overflowing with humor and charm. My only gripe is minor, being the ice palace dungeon. Overall, it's a fantastic journey with superb music and characters.

Of a similar level to Superstar Saga, but enhanced due to iteration.

I enjoy the core mechanics, but detest some of the extra Shine Sprites. Enjoyable if you laser focus on the primary content and avoid extraneous missions.

A great game, and is an overall better experience than its sequel.

A great game, but a lesser experience compared to Galaxy 1.

I adore this game, its aesthetics, and its various systems, yet recognize its faults with various content and its faltering story. Nonetheless, it is one of my favorite games I've ever played.

What a game. It'll kick your teeth in and bring you back for more. A mesmerizing experience. Labyrinth of Amala sucks though, but it has some of the best bosses.

Bursting with content and characters, but with subpar netcode.

One of my favorite fighting games of the generation, but the netcode is subpar.

One of the greatest fighting games ever made, but the netcode is subpar.

A really fun fighting game with amazing netcode if you know where to look.

My introduction to 3D fighting games. The single player story content is lacking, but the main gameplay is ridiculously fun. Subpar netcode, however.

While I'm glad to see the P4 characters again from P4AU, I'm disappointed overall in the game and its systems. Subpar netcode, as well.