Man, these Uncharted games got a looooot better.

Underappreciated, I feel. Game good.

Many competitive players deride this game for good reason, but from a casual perspective, I adored this game and played it nonstop. The subspace emissary blew my mind and I long for a similar mode to return to the franchise.

Pretty good, but there was one moment where I got lost concerning gaining access to the second to the last dungeon of the game and had to look at a guide. Still, pretty fun after all these years.

Very engaging. I look forward to more from these developers.

Feels more like an expansion of 0 given its similar game feel and activities. Still compelling, but sad that the different combat styles in Kiwami were nerfed.

An exceptional title. Worthy of anyone's time. What it lacks in breadth in makes up for in spades with the sheer density of activities in Sotenbori and Kamurocho. Fantastic.

This was the game that defined my youth. I adored this game, and prefer it to the other Harvest Moon title I played: A Wonderful Life.

I thought the game very enjoyable, but it did not grab me as much as other games from its era.

A fun game, but I eventually felt irritated at times with the game's likeness to the Souls franchise. After the first ending, I dropped off cause I didn't really feel compelled to continue on and get the remaining endings.

A great reimagining of the original Half-Life, and feels great to explore and play. My only gripe is the factory level is overly long and the red hue is oppressive in its presentation. The Xen levels, however, are simply breath taking, and worth the experience alone.