I played it with my sister and a session never lasted more than 3o mins out of frustration

What gen should've bee all along, but I don't think any monhun game will grab me quite like how 4u did

A metroid vania where you shape the world by exploring it is genius, I think I've played it like 5 times, its great, if a little simple and the sequel is much better

The core of this game is amazing, but being a f2p mobile game makes it more frustrating than fun once you reach "endgame"

The context is better than the game itself

How did thid hold my attention for several days before I gave up

This game is moving forwards too fast, the card quality is close to only a few years behind the tcg, yet only with mechanics from over 10 years ago, quickly powercreeping cards and making you spend more money. If you approach it as a single player game you can get some fun with the character interactions and the amazing soundtrack

What splatoon 2's solo campaign should've been

I cheated the catwalk minigame

I wish I could go back and play more of this but my save has my deadname :(

I really wish I enjoyed this, because the concept is amazing, but I was either bored or frustrated the whole time

This game has been rendered almost irellevant by ultimate