Personal Touhou Ranking

I've also ranked my 3 fav tracks in all the games. (See if you can spot a pattern in them lmao)

Only includes games I've played, so there's a ton missing. I'm taking my time with getting through them, as I don't wanna rush myself c:

The fact that EoSD is by far the most represented in all departments throughout the entire community is probably why I dislike it so much. Like I get it, the characters are fun and the songs are good and the game is iconic and very important to the franchise as a whole and all that, but holy shit if I have to see any more of this thing I am going to lose it.
For the love of god, give me more of the other games, EoSD is not the only Touhou-related piece of media
I'm somewhat warming up to EoSD. It's still probably my second least favorite in the series so far, but it's not nearly as mediocre as I've come to see it as!

Fav Tracks:
1. Septette for a Dead Princess
2. Scarlet Chamber ~ Eastern Dream...
3. Lunar Clock ~ Luna Dial
A truly, truly magical work of art.

Fav Tracks:
1. Necrofantasia
2. The Capital City of Flowers in the Sky
3. Bloom Nobly, Ink-Black Cherry Blossom + Border of Life (They're one song to me)
The closest there is to a perfect video game. Simply phenomenal.

Fav Tracks:
It’s honestly impossible for me to pick favorites for this one. Each and every single track is utterly fantastic.
My first real experience with Touhou, so there's obviously gonna be some bias.

Fav Tracks:
1. The Primal Scene of Japan the Girl Saw
2. The Venerable Ancient Battlefield ~ Suwa Foughten Field
3. Fall of Fall ~ Autumnal Waterfall
The fast-paced gameplay of this one is just so incredibly fun!

Fav tracks:
1. Eastern Judgement in the Sixtieth Year ~ Fate of Sixty Years
2. Adventure of the Lovestruck Tomboy
3. Higan Retour ~ Riverside View
I'm def gonna need some more experience with this one to really know where it sits, but seeing as it's essentially the second hardest one, that might take a while lmao.

Fav Tracks:
1. Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion (Probably the first Touhou song I ever encountered! No idea what age exactly, but it’s somewhere in the single-digits. So pretty damn early)
2. Walking the Streets of a Former Hell
3. Hartmann's Youkai Girl
Really just an overall solid experience. Great tracks, great spellcards, great characters.

Fav Tracks:
1. Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind
2. At the Harbor of Spring
3. Interdimensional Voyage of a Ghostly Passenger Ship
I've seen a ton of people share their heavy distaste for this one, mainly due to its difficulty, but I honestly don't have a problem with it whatsoever. The high skill-floor works to its advantage, even! The plot feels all the more real, and the battles all the more desperate, which, while Touhou games aren't exactly known for their fantastic or groundbreaking story-telling, makes for a really memorable and interesting experience, regardless of how many times you've beaten it.

Fav Tracks:
1. Pure Furies ~ Whereabouts of the Heart
2. The Sea that Reflects One's Home Planet
3. Pierrot of the Star-Spangled Banner
There's nothing outright bad about TD, it just feels slightly forgettable. Perhaps that'll change when I've gotten more familiar with it.

Fav Tracks:
1. Shoutoku Legend ~ True Administrator
2. Desire Drive
3. Starry Sky of Small Desires
Love the colorful vibes in this one.

Can be pretty hard to see with all the things on screen, but it's never been too much of an issue for me personally.

Fav Tracks:
1. Secret God Matara ~ Hidden Star in All Seasons.
2. The Concealed Four Seasons.
The rest aren't bad by any means, but it's difficult to choose between them, they're all just... fine.
So much improvement from the previous entry. An absolute joy to play through, undoubtedly my fav in terms of just sheer enjoyability. The gimmick is essentially just an advanced version of UFO’s… well, ufo’s, and they’re just great, they work really well.
Fav Tracks
1. Entrust this World to Idols ~ Idolatrize World (My FUCKING GOD. HOLY SHIT. WITHOUT A DOUBT MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE STAGE 6 BOSS THEME IN THE ENTIRE SERIES. HOLY CRAP. I had obviously heard a lot of very good things about it, but goddamn NOTHING could have prepared me for this unbelievable piece of music.)
2. Unlocated Hell
3. Electric Heritage
Need some more experience with this one, but it's pretty good so far!
Fav Tracks (so far):
1. Where Is That Bustling Marketplace Now ~ Immemorial Marketeers
2. The Perpetual Snow of Komakusa Blossoms
3. Lunar Rainbow
Genuinely really enjoyable!!!! Very hard but very fun!!!!

Fav Tracks:
All of them if I'm gonna be honest


1 year ago

i loved EoSD sm it breaks my heart seeing it last :,(

1 year ago

@jpegaleks As much as I believe EoSD to be one of the weaker touhou games of the ones I've played so far, I am very glad that you enjoy it! I can definitely see the appeal, but I guess it just doesn't click for me c:

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