Great up until you reach world 7, then the level design falls off a cliff.

This game also certainly feels like its too big for its own good, specially for a 80's game with no save or password system. I don't know how a kid from back then would find enough free time to beat this in one sitting without using the game's warp zones.

Aside from Stage 6 being somewhat of a RNG hell, everything else in this game is stellar. I had an absolute blast with this game, it is fantastic.

A gorgeous metroidvania and an overall pleasant journey.

It didn't fully grab me, but I struggle to find a reason why, since I can't really fault the game for any of its design decisions. Everything is perfectly safe and sound, the level design is open ended and involved, and the mechanics that are there all join together to make a very satisfying combat system.

If I had to guess, it just doesn't do enough outside of just being a decently designed metroidvania to actually fully grab my interest.

As much as I love this game to death. Something isn't right, multiple times throughout my playthrough I felt like the game just wouldn't end.

There are just SO many puzzles here, and don't get me wrong, they aren't bad puzzles, sometimes they are hard puzzles, but they aren't bad puzzles, but, I assume that, because I was so curious and engaged with the plot I legit didn't have enough patience to go through them one at a time. I just HAD to see what was lying beyond them, and having to go through so many of them in succession really soured the experience. It almost feels like having such a good and detailed storyline is a detriment to the game, because it competes so fiercily with its other design elements. This game is better experienced one puzzle at a time, but hell if that would've settled well with past me and their interest in the plot.

Its weird, I'm not sure what I'm talking about here, because I feel such a weird way about this game. Again I love it to death, but I can't just ignore how dead inside I felt at certain points.

I'm absolutely going to play whatever Erasure cooks next tho. And I absolutely recommend this game to anyone who has enough self control to take their time with the game.

A really fun fight with a likely RNG-based second phase, I played this a bit and I'm not sure if all setups in the second phase's arena are reactable, it feels like Puresabe just put the boss there and didn't really account for every possible outcome that could happen.

Same as 2015's hack, great fight with a RNG-based second half, if you don't mind some cheap shots due to poor luck here and there I'd still say it give it a shot.

This feels like the point where Puresabe shifted their new years hacks from being challenge based to being spectable based, and god was it a good shift.

This fight was awesome, albeit a little bit too much on the easy side, which gets fixed in later installments of the series.

A must play if you're at all interested in Puresabe's work or Mega Man fan projects in general.

First half is fine, but it has a little bit of annoying RNG with one of Storm's attacks (the Air Man-like one). The second half is just garbage.

Don't play this one, it's really half baked and barely compares to the rest of Puresabe's new years hacks.

Goated fight. Just wish the second half wasn't so annoying.

There are some annoying points here and there, mainly with the boss's attacks in the first half giving it invulnerability (and eating some of your shots as a result) and the second half being a little hard to read because you can't tell where the rats will be jumping to, but overall this is great.

I greatly recommend it.

I can see the promise in this one, but it can be a little too hard to read at times and the ceiling in phase 1 can lead to some annoying (and likely undodgeable) setups.

Skip it if you want to, it can be a really fun fight, but its below the standard for this series.

My favorite one from Puresabe, no questions asked.

There's just SO MUCH good to talk about in this fight. Please make yourself a favour a play it right now, this is one of Puresabe's best works in the New Year's series and if you like Mega Man AT ALL you absolutely should experience this one for youself.

Just remember, Tiger does not deal contact damage to you, only his attacks do ;)

While not as good as the last two year's hacks, 2024 is still an amazingly solid fight, and to top it all of, the most replayable of the entire series so far.

Its simple and effective, but SOME attacks can be bullshit here and there, the fight is not difficult in the slightest but, still, a couple of setups lack polish.

Absolute masterpiece of battle design, just like the previous year's fight, coupled with a bonus mode and a minigame as well.

Another great recommend.

This is unplayable.

The game ONLY runs on the japanese version 1.0 of Rockman X, which has an anti piracy method that sends you to the Password screen if your shots get reflected... which 90% of Storm Eagle's attacks can cause.

If you CAN get it working good for you, but for me this isn't worth the effort.

A bit primitive compared to most other new years fights in Puresabe's catalog but still a quite fair and challenging fight, if only held back by a little bit of slowdown.