Still one of the stronger one from the trilogy lots of nostalgia and a really gory adrenaline campaign. Chief's kiss.

Still the best spider-man game to ever come out insomniac should take notes about making fun and actually expressive gameplay instead of copying arkham formula.

Marvel Spider-man 2 but actually good. frfr

The Ghost army comes to tear up the Mongolian soldiers. A classic samurai story with a bit of spice. Beautiful scenery and depiction of Japan.


Felt so intense it was a thrill to overcome its challenge, recommend to anyone wanting to pump their adrenaline up to the roof and do cool shit.

what a shrill this was to play i would krillwise anyone who wants to crab a good game just go for this one. first half of the game: cute crab souls. :O second part of the game: DARK SOULS FRFR.


I wish COD was never successful.... We need prototype in the mainstream.

A pretty decent game the ending was a bit lacking but i enjoyed the ride

this game has the single most incredible open world created in video games.ITS THE GRAPHICS.

its a super cool idea and a thoughtful ending that makes you say "man"

Very underrated game. This game needs a sequel but won't get cuz its square.

It Wasn't as charming as the first one but the upgrades it got and the consistency of bossfights whilst having really good DLC bosses. It just jumps to a really high spot on my fromsoft game tierlist.

this game is magnificent in every way it is easy after coming from sekiro,elden ring and lies of p but oh man this is filled with charm and i cant recommend it enough if you even enjoyed one fromsoft title once.