Played it as a kid.

Fond memories as one of the early games I played.

Probably not worth anyone's time today.

Never disregard this as just being a movie game!
It is probably one of the best movie games out there.
Straight improvement over the Two Towers game, with smoother more user friendly combat.

If you put the time into learning the game it can be a very rewarding experience.

But everything you've heard about the community is true.

This was the last expansion i played, as such this rating is based on my total time playing the game from about the middle of cataclysm to the final patch of Shadowlands.
Middle of the road is about right for the overall experience.
Really enjoyed Mists of Pandaria and Legion.
At it's best the narrative was great, there was lots of fun things you could with friends and it was just generally a good experience.
At it's worst it's a slog that feels more like a chore than a fun experience. When i was younger and didn't have a job I could tolerate the hours, but now my free time is less abundant, it is not something i'd put anymore time into.

Also this expansion had some of the worst storytelling from all of the Warcraft mythos.

Lost to time now, but at the time it was nice to have a bundle to get the base game and the first 2 expansions. This was my first experience of Warcraft.

This review contains spoilers

It's not the best Star Wars game out here but you play as Boba Fett's dad. And that's pretty cool. Well. His clone host. But he calls him dad which is good enough for me.

The prequels were the star wars movies that were coming out when I was a kid , and this games plot leads directly into Attack of the Clones. And this was years before Disney took over so it was a nice companion to the movie.

Lots of interesting locations with references to different in-universe locations will have fans saying "Oh yeah that thing. I've heard of that thing."

I remember getting particularly stuck on the prison planet. Honestly. I wasn't that good at games then. I'm not much better now.

But I finished it in the end. Not touched it since. Probably for the best.

I have such a distinct memory of seeing the poster for this game and just thinking how cool it was. Right there centre stage isn't a jedi, but a stormtrooper. I was sold on the idea of that alone.

The sequel surpassed just about every element present in this game but I still have fond memories of this one.

This game blew my 9 year old mind.

I enjoyed this one less than the other narrative game based on The Phantom Menace.

Possibly because I was very new to video games when I played it and didn't ever get off the ship in the first level. The one named after the movie was by no means smooth, but I did not get along with this one at all.

The idea of playing as a bunch of different Jedi was cool, even if later movies made the lightsabre colours inaccurate.

Clearest memory of this game is a disembodied Yoda voice making a noise whenever you picked up health.

Everything that was cool about the first game was amped up for the sequel.

Again a soldier takes centre-stage. You aren't a super-soldier or a wizard, you're a frontline infantry soldier in the star wars universe. As a kid who saw Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith in the cinema, this was an absolute dream.

The campaign. Oh my god the campaign. Seeing the story of the prequels from the perspective of clone troopers is honestly worth picking up the game for alone if you're a star wars fan.

This sequel added a ton of new features including space combat maps and playable heroes from the saga that felt a lot fairer than the Jedi Hero Bonus of the original game.

Battlefront II 2017 is an okay online shooter (after the microtransaction fiasco was sorted) but this game is truly the definitive 3rd Person Star Wars shooter.

Recommended for any Star Wars fan.

Though if you are. You've probably already played it.

Borrowed it off a friend. Completed it in a day.

I have no further memories of it.

I rate it lower as someone who has played other pokemon games. But it is a good entry point for someone who has never played one before.

While I wouldn't say it's a bad game, it is the quickest i've gotten bored of a mainline Pokemon game.

I finished the narrative which was fine, predictable but fine. But just really don't have much desire to return to it.

Some DLC is likely to be announced soon. Maybe that will make me put the cartridge back in my switch. Maybe.

Loses points for me because there wasn't really that much difference between 2 and 3.

Take the disturbing content warning seriously.

That being said it's a pretty clever concept that is a very different approach to psychological horror.

What's really nice about the Plus version is how it has a built in desktop so people on consoles are able to experience the full game, including "deleting files".

Worth a play but it is disturbing.

Take. The . Warning. Seriously.