"Green. Green. Greeen. For fuck sake. GREEN. Red. Red. RED"

If you know you know.

Thank goodness this came out at a time when this kind of thing was on a Nintendo DS and not downloaded from the App store, otherwise you'd have had 30 second ads between each activity.

I'm not saying it's as good as other games that I've rated 2.5. But it's also not trying to be. I rate it purely because it did exactly what it set out to do and it did make it fun.

Also because watching my Mother shout at my DS with increasing frustration is a hilarious memory from childhood.

Not a James Bond fan at all, never seen a single movie, but because of this game Pierce Brosnan is my James Bond.

Genuinely had no business being as good as it was. Good variety of missions and was just a great time. Definitely one I'd give another go.

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A weird amount of my early video game memories come from Kart racers based on IPs that didn't really scream Kart racer. And yet lo.

I mean alongside South Park Rally it is only two but it's weird it happened twice. I suppose it isn't too hard to creat a map loosely themes to the subject matter and have the characters race around. It's a quick buck but the fun factor is present.

If you dont have nostalgia for it, a You Tube gameplay clip really will save you £40+ asking price.

There's a level based on A Christmas Carol, so they get bonus points for that!

To be clear. I grew up with the Prequel trilogy, so I don't have the same disdain for Episode III that some people hold.

Having watched a longplay to rejog my memory, it has an upgrade system very similar to the one found in Return of the King.

Effectively a Star Wars hack and slash action game, which honestly was the perfect companion to the movie. If you hatet the movie. There's a good chance you'll hate the game.

This game also features an alternative ending, which is well worth looking up, even if you never play it!

Given this was my very first introduction to South Park, i'm guessing my age was still in the single digits.

Weirdly remember playing this a decent amount. I didn't have a Nintendo console until I had a DS so this may even have been my Mario Kart. I'm not sure if that is tragic or hilarious.

I now this game had it's version of the Balloon Battles. Except with Butts. Butts floating around your car.


Might be the weirdest nostalgia I've ever had.

Went on something of a nostalgia trip recently and this is a special one for me.

This is one of the first games I remember finishing.

So many little moments of it stand out too. I was a dinosaur kid and loved encoutering all the different species as you went along.

Never played the first and my understanding was this was the last good one in the series.

I don't really have much intention of playing the first one, but hey. Never say never. Until then this reamins a sweet little nostalgic nugget from childhood.

I never had the light gun accessory, which I suppose was half the gimmick of this one, but none the less I remember enjoying it well enough as a kid. No reason int he world to revisit it, but a fun memory.

I was born in 1995, a time when the bit wars were over and arcade cabs were on the decline in favour of the video games you didn't have to lave your house for. But at 5 years I didn't know about any of that, all I knew was that my Aunt and her Boyfriend had a PS1 and it was. Awesome

At the time me and my brother woudl literally just tap that X and keep the rockets flying, while the adults in the room moved us.

This was my earliest memory of gaming. But I don't just rate it for nostalgia. I've plaued the game since those sweet memories over two decades ago and this still feels like one of the best way to experience thsi timeless classic. Sure I never played on a cab on a lazy Sunday afternoon in a neon-lit 1980s arcade. But until time travel truly is a thing. This is it.

Eventually that very same Playstation became mine and as I sit looking at a PS5 with SSD, lightning fast load times and graphics that look like they are taken straight from real life; we've come a long way. I wasn't there right at the start, but as is the case with many of you there's a love and passion for this hobby.

But it all starts somewhere.

The obscure google I had to do to find this game.

Well it was this actually.

game on xbox where you play as 2 japanese girls driving a police car

But damnit it worked.

I was awful at this game, but what I did see of the characters, seemed fun enough.

No real desire to come back to this, had to just make sure it wasn't a fever dream.

If you are prepared to pay for a whole load of DLC this is probably the cheapest way to play this game.

While it certainly isn't for everyone, it is nice that there is a way people with no access to local events can play the game.

Or as it was originally known "Star Wars Themed Child Casino".

When they overhauled the systems the game was better, but the damage had already been done. I'm a big Star Wars. I rate the original Battlefronts a lot higher than I probably should.

Ended up as fun way to spend a few hours every now and again, but again. How it launched was truly unacceptable and the game hurt because of it.

This should have been one of the best games of it's generation.

My biggest issue with it is a general issue from around this sort of time. It wasn't until I'd purchased all of the DLC did this feel like a complete game. Which is a real shame because there are some decent ideas here and a genuinely fun Star Wars experience.

It's no Return of the King.

But for a game based on a kid's movie it is not entirely unplayable. I've you're now in your late 20s, early 30s, Shrek probably played a part in your childhood, long before Shrek was love. Shrek was life..

I never owned this game but played it at a friend's house.

Really enjoyed it. Not really touched a musou game since, but if i ever come back to the genre it would have been because of this game.

I just remember thinking it was so cool that in the middle of the battle you could just. Take someone's horse. Definitely a game i'd look to own in the future!

One can only assume that japanese voice acting was better. I'm not sure it could be worse. But then again the game was developed in six months, even if the voice acting wasn't a problem. That really shows.

I do like the character design of Inphyy but every other aspect of the game just falls flat.

In fairness I remember spending very little time with it as it just didn't grab me at all.