There's a reason Family guy episodes are only 20 minutes long.

Unless you're a huge fan of the show there really isn't anything here for you. Even if you are. You're probably better off just watching the show.

Sort of feels like the kind of thing that would have ended up in a young adults bedroom just so he could say to his friends "haha family guy game".

History will look back at Toys to Life video games and see it as a weird attempt at preservation of kids playing with toys at a time when they just wanted to play video games.

Spyro was in the first one . Which i guess is cool, but I came into this series later and when I was already an adult, so it didn't really do much for me.

Perhaps gearing up your little toy and seeing them in game was a fun experience, but for it this game showed me that the genre was not for me.

If you grew up with this series and enjoy it still, all power to you. But for me it was very forgettable.

Yeah it's simple great.

Resident Evil 4 has been my favourite game for a long time, so coming into this i was skeptical that it would either suck or make the original obselete. Thankfully neither of those things are true.

It builds on and expands on the story, the combat, the experience and delivers a truly great game. But it's different enough experience to the original that I do still see myself replaying that game at some point.

Capcom did good. Capcom did real good.

I've not played Baldur's Gate 3. But this was my Game of the Year 2023.

My story is no different to anyone else's. I thought the show was pretty cool.

I think I paid £3 for it. Which is probably fair given how much time i spent with it.

If you've not seen the show. Essentially they take a wariror from history. Say a Samurai or a Spetsnaz commando and run field tests of all the equipment they'd use. How much damage does a Native American's tomahawk do to a bag of flesh. How much force does the average viking put behind a strike. That kind of thing. They gave these things number values and ran simulations to see which would ultimately win in a fight based on their collected data.

Much like the game, the concept is flawed at best, but a little bit of fun if you like your combat history.

I actually had to watch some of a playthrough to remind myself what the fuck happened in this game.

But my god. The jump animation. That woke up memories I forgot i had.

If you were 8 years old, loved your Bionicle toys. And loved video games. You probably had a great time playing this. There is really no reason for anyone else to play it.

That being said. I dont remember owning this game, and i didn't recognise the final boss. So i dont think I got very far. May have been a rental.

There's an hour long video on You Tube of the entire game. If you're looking for a quick nostalgia hit. Probably a lot less effort to just watch that.

A servicable companion to what was for some of us a huge part of our childhoods. My advise is to keep those memories nice and pretend this game was a 10/10. Ignore my review. Let it be sweet in your memories.

My friend rented this one night when we did a sleepover when we were like 12.

I don't think we ever finished it, but it was a fun enough night. Couldn't tell you a thing that happened. I have a vague memory that perhaps it was your Nintendo style co-op gameplay. With guns.

If you're looking for a couch co-op game the genre has been done better since. Unless your Call of Duty loving boyfriend won't play It Takes Two because there are no guns. I'm sorry i can suggest better, but it's an option. Happy Valentines Day?

Edit: I read some of the other reviews and I did bump it up a little. I did have fun playing it with that friend, even if it was for only exactly one session.

Okay now this one I'm sure was a fever dream.

For a free game it had some pretty fun Ninja Warrior style courses to play through.

I don't think I ever finished the game, but it's still in my Xbox One library so. Maybe one day.

"We need a nuke. A nuclear bunker buster".

That is the thing I remember from this game.

Not a particularly memorable experience, but I remember getting the game cheap second hand as a teenager and spending at least enough time with it to complete it.

It's not much more than a playground where you can blow stuff up and shoot guns. Great when I was 13. A lot less compelling now.

I don't want to slate this game too hard because I do respect attempts at trying something new.


What a wacky way to follow-up to your first game. But really this was just a taste of what was to come fromt his series.

Narrative-wise, I am told that it does introduce some important concepts. So I'd definitely look up the story if the card-based combat doesn't appeal.

A truly unique experience worth a go in your catch-up playthrough for IV. It's in the bundles anyway. So you may as well. (but story summaries. Are available.)

This was the game I got when I got my Xbox 360 so there is probably a lot of bias as it was part of a core happy memory. It was the first time i'd saved up money to buy myself a console.

That being said I really enjoyed the game. The combat was fun, if not flawed and the story was so wacky and off-canon that it would make Bob Chapek blush. But it was a bit crazy and a bit fun.

Before the release of Cal Kestis' games I would have pointed anyone looking for a Jedi experience to this game.

Also there's an achievement for killing an ass-load of Wookiees as Darth Vader so. If that's your thing give it a go.

I remember the first mission. And the last. And weirdly an achievement called Shotgun Messiah that im not entirely sure how you got.

I remember enjoying it well enough at 12 or 13 to finish it. But that might of been because I didn't have a job and couldn't just go buy another game.

The experience honestly feels like a fever dream and not one i'm looking to revist any time soon.

Don't play by yourself. Just not a fun experience.

Grab a few friends, a few beers and just have fun with it.

I got some good memories on this one. Most of them very silly.

I fully respect anyone who completed this game back in the day without a guide.

But Zero Mission makes so many quality of life changes that unless you want a frustrating experience there is no reason to play this.

Unless you just want to say you did. In which case. Well done. We're very proud of you.

It gets bonus points for being the starting point of a great series. Which for me pretty makes up all of it's points.

My rating of this game may be biased as it's the game that taught me I don't like this kind of game.

Take with a pinch of salt. I also don't like minecraft.

If you enjoy this kind of game, you've probably already got it. If not. You'll probably get something out of it. I gave my copy to my sister.

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Coming to the end of my playthrough, which was my first as I never played this one when it first came out, I did feel like I enjoyed the game well enough.
I think you cannot go into this game expecting Assassin's Creed II. The jump from one to two is not in any way mirrored in 2 to 3.
The intro to me was long, especially knowing where it went, due to the game being over a decade old by the time I played it, so i can't comment on whether or not it would have felt the same in 2012.

Connor might not be the most enigmatic or engaging protagonist but the AC combat system does lend itself well to his Tomahawk and Knife fighting style.
Some quirky side characters and story pieces that do actually ask to to take the time to consider their greater meaning. This is of course optional.

Then there's the modern day bit. The whole reason we are even seeing Connor's life at all. And honestly. I don't particularly care about this. I full understand that it is the throughline that takes us from one setting to the other, but the appeal of Assassin's Creed has never been what happens outside of the Animus. That being said, even from a place of indifference, Desmond's end felt more than a little anticlimatic.

The crafting becomes more or less inconsequential, while to some it might be seen as a bonus that you can use the same weapon from start to finish, i'd have liked to have some variety. Convoys also felt wholly irrelevant. The result is a game you can more or less burst through in a short sitting, which as stated above is fine for the most-part especially you are eager to get it done. But to me I had to take a little time to work out what the point of the trade system was. As it goes, not much.

Edit: I actually came back and edited the score down after playing the DLC. See my review of that for why.