Blizzard has slowly been on the decline for many years now. It is a shame to see such a giant fall so hard from grace.

That being said it's a fun enough character shooter with a quircky cast and there is a decent amount of fun to be had with a group of friends.

I had such nostalgia for the one they did on Wii that the announcement of this game was one I'd been waiting on pretty much since the Switch's launch.

My disappointment was immeasurable. And my day was ruined.

I'm not sure if it's the lack of content or the more complex controls but I just couldn't get on with it. Especially when the longevity of it came simply from increasing the difficulty. Perhaps DLC made it feel more complete, and perhaps I will return to it some day, but for now I'm more than happy enough booting up my Wii if i get a hankering for Mario Football.

Overall to me the WIi one was just better.

What can be said except it's a really good time.

I'm not a big fighter fan, never really have been. But the Nintendo flavour makes Smash unlike any other of it's genre.

Get a few friends over and just have a good time. Or enjoy some of the servicable single player content that was missing from the Wii U outing.

I delivers more than most fighters can to more people than most fighters can.

It's also the first fighting game where I've wanted to put the time into improving which is something I'd really not even considered before.

Overall there are much worse ways you can spend £40.

I can't rare this any higher because, as with Melee, I was playing very much the Single Player experience. At which point you are better off just getting ultimate.

Content being lost to the e-Shop shutdown also hurts this one.

Take every word with a grain of salt as I'm not a fighter fan, and I only really played the single player content of this game.

That being said. It was fun. It was my first experience of the Smash Bros series and I really enjoyed it. Of course we all know the true enjoyment of Smash Bros is getting a few friends over, ganging up on the sweatiest try hard and having a good time.

But as a solo game it's servicable enough. And the competitive scene still exists, so that's fun if you're into that. I. Am not.

I spent a whole weekend playing this with one of my closest friends.

I don't think we ever got back to finishing it, but it was a really great time. Can't speak on what the single player experience would be like.

So i try to only review games that I've either finished, or finished with, where I have no intention to play them again in the near future.

But I'll make an exception for this one because I've been playing it on and off for about 15 years.

I didn't play Zelda games growing up. We had a Playstation 1 then 2, then I bought my Xbox 360. We didn't grow up in the kind of house where we had multiple same-generation consoles. Neither of my parents were in to games so there weren't recommendations of things they themselves had said.

So from an outsider view, I would say that some of the charm of Zelda, is the nostalgia. The memories of spending all weekend working out a puzzle, exhausting every option before finally cracking the code. Time was no option when every weekend and every evening after school was wide open.

So I entered the series without that nostalgia and charm. But this still manages to be a great, if at times frustrating experience. In the decade and a half since I first played this game on the Gamecube version that came with WIndwaker, I often come back to it, but never quite long enough to see the end. There's always another game I'm more eager to play more.

That being said, no-one can deny that this game is a timeless classic. I can't speak on how it rates as a Zelda game (though I'm told by a close friend and Nintendo fanatic pretty well). But as a video game overall. It's pretty damn good.

If Breath of the Wild seems too vast, then I'd say anyone interested in The Legend of Zelda should go for this one.

Mario Kart.

In your pocket.

With a load of characters and tracks.

Fun time is fun.

I have a memory of taking it turns with my girlfriend while we queueing to go into Madame Tussauds in London. Yeah the Switch ads are cheesy as hell, but they aren't wrong and games like this prove that the gimmick, while great, doesn't take away from the quality of the games.

The only reason I've not spent more time with this game is because I'm scared to sink the 100s of hours that are possible into it.

It's everything I loved about Oblivion just up a degree. Unfortunately for me this game came out the same year originally as Modern Warfare 3, and being elbow deep in my "i only play Call of Duty" phase, I didn't play this as much as I'd like to, but it is for sure a game that I will return to, should I ever get my backlog a bit better caught up.

Tons to do and a must play for any RPG fan. There's a reason they've realeased on every console they could since 2011.

Besides you've probably still got a decent amount of time before 6 comes out.

This review contains spoilers

I never finished this game because there always seemed to be something else I wanted to play. I put a lot of hours into Oblivion and do just generally prefer Swords and Magic to Guna and Science.

But this game did have a charm to it. And a splash of campy silliness. Not quite at the level of borderlands, but enough to make the post apocalyptic world engaging.

And not many games give you option to Nuke a town you've just been running errands for.

Once my backlog isn't so full, definitely one I'd consider givng the time it deserves.

The wheels were literally just bits of plastic around the controller. They were entirely pointless. But by god did we fight over who got to use the one included one.

It's a Mario Kart game what else can you say? A ton of fun, but for me the complete Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is just better due to sheer variety and the added bonus of being portable.

Another trophy in the case of why Mario is the King of Karts.

Not really too much to say about this one.

More than anything it highlighed the versatility of the Wii as an entertainment sytstem.

To this day, still a fun one to pick up with friends or family.

And whats more. It was free with the console.

Maybe the Wii-motes couldn't do as much as a Joy-Con could, but I've never heard of a Wii controller drifting.

1-2 Switch wishes it had the timeless nature of this game.

This last bit is a bit personal, but it made the Wii the most accessible console of the generation, regardless of your parent's income. Which as a kid from a working class family, I appreciated.

Say what you will, but they did beat Guitar Hero to adding more than just a guitar. The controllers were never quite as fun to use. I really missed the "click" of Guitar Hero controllers.

None the less a fun time to play with a few friends. A few times. Then probably back to Guitar Hero.

I never played the Pro Skater games so my first foray was Underground.

I was hoping for a similar sort of experience with this one, but be it because of nostalgia or a dip in quality, it just didn't quite hit the spot.