Half-Life: Opposing Force is Half-life's story from a different prospective again. This time the star of the show is Adrian Shephard, a US Marine Corporal who is left stranded inside black mesa with little means of escape.

You'll be fighting against a new race of enemies with a new arsenal of weapons some new, some old, simply put if you enjoyed Half-Life this is just MORE of it.

I normally sit and watch the credits to pay respect to whoever worked on a game or a movie because they spent their valued time on crafting something, a product or a piece of art for my own personal enjoyment doesn't matter how good or bad I will sit and wait until it's finished, Sonic Forces is the first time I got UP OUT OF MY CHAIR to LEAVE during the credits such a bastardization of a series I'd tend to really enjoy.

They were cooking with the ARK I'm just sayin...

Mario Kart 7 is like if Mario Kart Wii and DS had a super weird child with mechanics that it's older brother would steal and actually make their parents proud with.

It's alright probably the best "competitive" game on the market right now although this isn't VALVE's best work and I personally believe they should show some love to their other ips (Left 4 dead, TF2 etc etc)

Iso carried the 2 stars, game is slow guns feel like shit to use and it's art style is as dull rusted iron and the community is worse!

If you can pass up on Valorant.

NEW Super Mario Bros U but again so it's """NEWER""" Super Mario Bros U not "DELUXE" anyway junk food game pretty much a switch filler title.

Can't wait for YOUR servers to disappear Splatoon 1 is way better in my opinion.

Rest in peace, sweet prince I'll miss you dearly.

This is the one and only true hardcore gaming experience, exercise on a island.

This is the one and only true hardcore gaming experience, exercise.

A Hat in Time is awesome, cute as heck, challenging and enjoyable platformer.

if you get a kick out of 3D platformers this is a MUST play.

stick vs stick is simple yet effective party game it's nothing you'll put years of your life into but it's still a fun time

Half-Life was an amazing game for it's time but nowadays I'd just recommend buying Black Mesa instead because its just Half-Life but more modern and enjoyable.