This game peaks at Green Hill

Every Puyo game gets 5/5 Stars from me.... except Puyo Puyo ~n~ and 7

Sega bias tells me this game is only better than Turtles in Time on SNES because soundchip

When this and SoR1 came out, that's when people realized Double Dragon wasn't that good huh?

That said it's still great

I feel like this game gets alot of flak nowadays but I do find the exploration idea of a Sonic game nice. Just wish it was fleshed out a bit more

This game just doesn't feel good and it's worst because it gave us so many bad SMK clones

This is one of the most underrated platformers. Bamco just port it to modern consoles, its too good to be this forgotten

This game is good. You guys are meanies

This game would have been an easy 4/5 if didn't shit on me and make it into a Metroidvania

Why is every indie platformer needs to be a Metroidvania

This game is interesting in that alot of its game issues can be fixed by wiping out half of the playable cast, redo level design and retool controls and physics and basically clean up the bugs.

But can't fix that story. You can't fix the english VA. You can't fix the crunch. You can't fix the sole fact that the game peaks at the opening cutscenes. You probably can but good luck.

Still better than Shadow

If you talked to me last year in 2019 about this game, I would have said that it's my most disappointing game and that it's, it's one of my favorite games.

The first half of this game is a problem but the second half turns into a goddamn classic. The music works, the graphics are really good to compliment the amazing artstyle and the combat works

I'm excited about it's probable sequel because not only it will fix the issues but it can be done really well.

I have to compare to to GoW 2018 because ideals feels similar to it but I think AC does it way better on the standard of its combat and overall direction of its game. Am I overrating it, probably but I can't help it

Open Your Heart > Live & Learn

This game is way harder than any Soulsborne game ever made and this is not hyperbolic