Time hasn't been kind to this game. I blame the sole fact it sold on blood alone but it still has that legacy. Also Sega getting the better version is still hilarious

It's PPT1 but with a bunch of QoL changes.
So it's great

Video Game the Video Game.

Also those madmen put in Richter Belmont. A fucking 10/10


RIP to my homie Crash, he didn't make it

It's somehow better but yet worst than NMH1.

Still a great game. Can't wait for 3

This is the undisputed best Beat em Up. A game that has been the best part of 2020.

A damn near love letter to fans of Streets of Rage, Sega and Brawlers

The definitive Sonic game. Also gave Knuckles part of the spotlight again instead of just being background fodder and a joke. Also brought by my boi Mighty the Armadillo

I think it works for what it wants to do and its really neat. Motion Contorls on Wii aged like garbage tho

What a fucking return to form. The best Metroidvania to release in the past 20 years by far.

BY FAR. And man the conclusion is pure kino

The only game on Mario 64's level not named Spyro

Ruby Heart and Amigo are MvC exclusive OCs as far as I care

Update: I have theory that those characters and Sonson were scrapped Darkstalkers 4 characters.

Especially considering Sonson was the granddaughter of the OG Sonson from the arcade game

This is at the point where people should have realized that Rare can't make 3D Platformers without bloat.

This game is better on Dolphin but the normal version is absolutely rough

Not a bad game.

That said you will be bored with it after you 100% because its very easy to do so