7 reviews liked by CharajijiChara

If you came here for a new" Painkiller", like me, at least a drop of its vibe, then, alas, there is nothing here,
instead of game design, excellent mapping, we now have a rogue-lite on a field with 3 rocks with ok but standart Unreal grahics, to which you need to return again and again in a few hours to farm just for something other than a ordinary pistol, yes, at the beginning you only have 1 weapon, 6 charges in the clip, no abilities except Dodge on V?? and stamina which runs out in 5 seconds, anxious music and a shaking periodic screen. And yes, I understand that the team of 12 people, I understand that it is early access, but here it was necessary to postpone it for another 5 years, there are only 2 maps so far, but you will fall asleep on the first one, the next one will open only if you defeat boss, in addition to him, there are zones on the maps with not-very-strong enemies, and strong enemies, but this is a little pointless, since the island is very small and they are all so close that you have to fight with a pistol at once with several waves of enemies, they look like "Painkiller"'s slow skeletons a little , but now they can dodge and spawn next to you at a random point on the map, not a single memorable enemy design, nor weapons, nor the impact from them, the interface is drawn in pencil. Also, explosive barrels, open chests, closed chests, mushrooms that take away HP but give resources for making heals spawn on the map. In order to successfully complete the expedition and not lose the accumulated souls, you either need to jump back into the portal in a few minutes, or already look for a new one on the other end of the map, in case of death, resources can be collected during the next (spoiler, even this doesn’t help, it’s too hardcore and too much farming for now).

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Если вы пришли сюда за новым Паинкиллером, как и я, то, увы, тут нет и следа, вместо геймдизайна, великолепного маппинга, у нас теперь рогалик с полем и 3 скалами c хорошей, но стандартной Unreal графикой, на которые вам надо возвращаться ещё раз и ещё раз, чтобы несколько часов фармить только хотя-бы на что-то кроме пистолета, да, вначале у вас только 1 оружие, 6 зарядов в обойме, никаких способностей, кроме доджа на V?? и выдыхающейся за 5 секунд стамины, тревожной музыки и трясущегося экрана. И да, я понимаю, что команда из 12 человек, я понимаю, что ранний доступ, но тут надо ещё на лет 5 было откладывать, тут пока что всего 2 карты, но вы уснёте уже на первой, следующая откроется только в случае победы над боссом, помимо него на картах есть зоны с не очень сильными врагами, и, сильными врагами, но это немного бессмысленно, так как остров очень маленький и все они так близко расположены, что вам приходится с пистолетиком сражаться сразу с несколькими волнами врагов, которые немного смахивают на "Пеинкиллеровских" медленных скелетов, но теперь они могут доджить и спаунится рядом с вами в рандомной точке карты, ни 1 запоминающегося дизайна противника, как и оружий, как и импакта от них, интерфейс нарисован карандашом. Также на карте спаунятся взрывные бочки, открытые сундуки, закрытые сундуки, грибы отнимающие хп, но дающие ресы для изготовления хилок, чтобы успешно закончить вылазку и не потерять накопленные души, вам либо надо успеть заскочить обратно в портал за несколько минут, либо уже искать новый на другом конце карты, в случае смерти, ресурсы можно будет собрать при следующей вылазке (спойлер, даже это не помогает, пока что слишком хардкорно и слишком много фарма).

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Ape Escape without Soichi Terada is like an angel without it's wings

[Average Reading Time: 7 Minutes]

DISCLAIMER: This playthrough was completed on real hardware using version 0.9.2 of the mod. There may be bugs or issues mentioned in this review that have been remedied in a more recent update. Please check the patch notes of the mod for any updated information!

When you first hear the title Paper Mario TTYD64, you'll probably assume that this is someone's effort to recreate all of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door in Paper Mario for the Nintendo 64. In this case, your assumption would be wrong. Rather, Paper Mario TTYD64 is a hack that aims to take elements of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door and inject them into Paper Mario. These elements include things such as giving partners HP, removing the caps on stat growth when leveling up (for example, you are no longer limited to having a maximum of 30 BP), and super-guarding. This mod also adds new locations to the world, some of which are re-created areas from The Thousand-Year Door. Alongside that, you are given access to many badges from that game, including partner versions of some badges. There are also new cooking recipes, items, a Pit of 100 Trials, and new hiding locations for star pieces, so veterans of Paper Mario will have many new things to look forward to here.

As for how the game plays with these new additions, I would say it plays a little bit better than the original, especially since now you don't have to complete the prologue before getting access to action commands. Having these in your toolkit from the get-go definitely helps to speed up the intro, making new playthroughs feel snappier. Having access to the super-guard also makes things more interesting, as you now have a riskier but more rewarding way to counter enemy attacks. Sadly, I did not use it as much as I would have in The Thousand-Year Door, if only because it is much more difficult to use than regular guarding, especially in a game that runs at a lower frame-rate than the game where this mechanic was introduced. I also found it weird that in the tutorial for action commands, Twink never goes over this maneuver. I feel like this should be added in a later patch, as there is always the chance someone new to this mod will not know it is there.

Being able to increase the three core stats (HP, FP, and BP) beyond the regular limit is very rewarding. By the end of my playthrough, I had over 70 BP to use, allowing me to become the powerhouse I always wanted to be in this game. With these limitations removed, the level cap is also increased, allowing you to level beyond level 27, as the game will make sure you get at least 1 star point from every encounter, much like the sequel. Now, you would think that this means you can go to Petal Meadows and fight Amazy Dayzees over and over and level up until the cows come home. Sadly, that is not the case here. Once you hit level 27, all enemies stop giving star points when defeated. This means that when you hit level 27, you go from getting 37 star points off of an Amazy Dayzee to just one, which is extremely saddening. I am not sure if this is an issue carried over from vanilla Paper Mario or an intentional move from the mod creator, but I do hope that in a later patch this is fixed and players can continue to grind levels off Amazy Dayzees after hitting level 27.

Enemies can now also hold items and badges, changing how encounters play out immensely. Are you going to target the enemy holding a thunder rage first? Or will you attack the one holding a dizzy dial? While there may be fights where the amount of items being held by enemies causes a truly daunting challenge, overcoming said challenge can feel very rewarding. Also, along with the aforementioned addition of HP for party members, Parakarry has been given a new move called Parcel Check, which allows him to steal items and badges from enemies. If an enemy is holding something, you can take it! This is very handy as it will allow you to quickly grow a varied badge collection, allowing for all sorts of interesting builds.

There are many new locations sprinkled into the world of Paper Mario in this mod, one of which being the Pit of 100 Trials, first introduced in the sequel to this game. While many will find the pit's challenges daunting, it is very much worth exploring until at least floor 50. Veterans of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door will know why. Of course, the deeper you go, the more arduous the battles become. Thankfully, like in the sequel's pit, there is an NPC called a mover that will move you a handful of floors for some coins. I was thankful enough to encounter many of these in a row in my journey to the bottom of the pit, chaining 4 of them in a row on the later floors. I had to change tactics during the final stretch, however, aiming for a "Danger"-based build to maximize evasion and damage output. Despite how stressful the final encounter of the pit was (I won't be spoiling it here), it was definitely a great challenge that I recommend players attempt when playing this mod.

Funnily enough, it was after completing the pit when I learned of a new problem I had with this mod. There is a limit on how many badges you can have in your inventory at any given time. This should be fine, as badges can be sold and re-bought at any time in this mod. However, there is no way to actually know how many badges you have without stopping to count each individual one. The game does not show you a number of badges in your inventory, nor does it show you the limit on how many badges you can have. When you find a new badge while your inventory is full, the badge is sent to Rowf's shop, where you can buy it for a specific amount of coins. I did not know this when I cleared the Pit of 100 Trials and kinda freaked out. Seeing it in the shop made me breathe a sigh of relief, but never being informed about these mechanics is an issue that I hope is addressed in an update or is one day included in a Readme file with the mod.

Another part of this mod worth noting is the music. The title screen music and some battle tracks have been replaced with re-creations of songs from the sequel. There are also specific areas where tracks from the sequel are played. While the inclusion of these is nice and fits the mod, I do feel that some of the new tracks are louder than the older ones, making the audio balance in this game feel off. Aside from that, the tracks make it over to this game mostly fine and are nice to hear in this format.

This mod offers a healthy amount of replayability in the form of new difficulties and modes. During my playthrough, I kept to the normal difficulty with no additional modifications and had a pleasant time. I do not think I would replay this game on a higher difficulty since I do not come to this game for a harsh challenge, but there are some added modes that caught my eye. These modes are one where your only party member is the character Bow, who is made stronger to compensate for the limitation, and there is also a mode that randomizes the placement of items and badges. Both of these modes sound interesting, and I will definitely check them out after this mod receives some updates.

My only other complaints with this mod are that there's no real way to tell what new recipes are in the game without referring to a guide (I would assume most Thousand-Year Door recipes work but I did not want to risk wasting items I wanted to use to find out) and that there are some small bugs scattered through the mod. One notable example of a bug I encountered was when I was fighting the Chapter 1 boss. I had used Kooper's Power Shell move during the second phase, which got locked into place, causing the move to never finish and soft locking the game. Another issue I ran into is that the game crashed when attempting to start a New Game + file, which I am sure will be fixed in a later update.

Overall, I found Paper Mario TTYD64 to be a delightful revisit to a great game adding mechanics and items that help spice things up in ways I did not think possible for this game. If you're a fan of both Paper Mario and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door and want to experience what it would be like to have the quality-of-life features of TTYD in the game that started it all, look no further than this mod!

One of the most overlooked Squaresoft games from the PS1 era, Threads of Fate is a comedic action JRPG with platforming elements whose main selling point is the outlandish cast, straight out of a Tatsunoko production. In particular Mint, one of two playable characters, is a spoiled brat of a princess who lost her birthright to the throne due to being a glutton and a selfish egomaniac, which sends her on a journey to find a magical relic which would enable her to enact her shakespearian revenge on her family and, subsequently, take over the entire world.

Mint is, in one word, hilarious: she is so incredibly daft, petty, careless, self-absorbed and violent that she manages to transcend being annoying and manages to be absolutely endearing. There is not a single situation she faces properly, not one conversation she goes through correctly and by the end she has learned absolutely nothing. She is probably one of the best protagonists ever appeared in a JRPG, a fact accentuated by the limited power of the PS1, which means low polygon models (despite that still very expressive) and no voice acting, which lends the characters a particular charm that is somewhat lost in games of subsequent generations.

The story follows suit, with a series of batty encounters with a rogue gallery of villains and allies who perfectly complement Mint's shenanigans. There are some definite Alundra 2 vibes here, and if you like that game you will be right at home here.

Sadly we are looking at a PS1 action game, so the flaws are somewhat inherent in the medium: the combat system is clunky and would have benefitted from a dodge button, which was sadly a mechanic that was yet to become standard in gaming. Ironically, had this been a standard turn based JRPG, it would have aged better than it has.

It's a game to be played for the story and characters, which will carry you through the flaws of the gameplay. You should definitely pick Mint as a first playthrough, as the other character, Rue, is far less interesting.

i mean, it's fine i guess? there's something of a solid core to be found here and there's room for improvement but this game was never gonna be for me. the open world design focus was a death sentence. i can see why people like it even if i think they're clowns don't agree.

still some variety in interior aesthetics for shrines and dungeons at the very least couldn't have hurt...

people talk about this game like it's some groundbreaking, breathtaking, wonderful pinnacle of video games and i really wish i understood that. this game feels really nice to move around in, its visuals are really appealing and its score is pretty cute. but there's not much of a real narrative (or writing at all), no memorable characters, no cool side-quests, no dungeons, a pitiful lack of enemy variety + almost no bosses, and nothing that made exploring feel worthwhile. most of it feels like filler check-list fluff (towers, shrines, koroks). the world is well-designed but there's not much substance inside of it beyond its sandbox elements. i genuinely feel like, insane for not liking this the way people talk about it but i just do not see it personally. it's just okay!

1 list liked by CharajijiChara