Quite possibly the best game in the whole series. Takes the style and strengths from previous games and doubles down on it all including the new cast of characters and story. The switch to turn based combat works so well and shines throughout.

Underwhelming experience overall. The combat engagements are the highlight of the game for me and the cut content and inconsistent writing are the things that weigh the whole game down.

Tons of fun with a friend but the game is showing its age in a few places mainly the control scheme. Hopefully Capcom release a remake very soon.

From the opening cutscene the expansion introduces a well rounded new cast of characters. Packed full of new content including new weapons/Skills and side quests that have impact on the main storyline. The new Dogtown location is a brand new area to explore that manages to enhance the base game in every possible way.

Incredible expansion and a well deserved final chapter for Cyberpunk 2077.

Masterpiece of a game that tells a impactful emotional story and has amazing combat and bosses!


Beautifully made with plenty of heart and a fantastic story!

Filled to the brim with crazy over the top battles and a well written main story that fills in the gaps between Yakuza 7 and connects to Yakuza 8 flawlessly. The game is on the shorter side but its still got plenty of content and activities not to mention fleshed out combat that improves the beat em up fighting style of previous games.

Mixed thoughts when it comes to the combat and the main story. The game really shines with its side quests and the companions but the game has so much wasted potential that its a real shame.

I picked this up during a big sale and am so happy that I did. The game was a really enjoyable experience and had a great list of playable Marvel characters.

Managed to put over 50 hours into it in a short amount of time and its a shame its such a overlooked game. I didn't pick up any of the DLC content but if you can make sure to pick it all up on a big discount. Highly recommend!